The vegan chocolate bar KitKat Vegan, which was launched to meet the growing demand for plant-based products, is being discontinued from German supermarkets following disappointing sales. The announcement from Nestlé, which produces the beloved chocolate treat, has drawn mixed reactions from consumers.
Introduced in August 2022, the KitKat Vegan was part of Nestlé's effort to cater to the increasing interest in vegan diets. Major retailers like Aldi Süd responded to this trend by significantly enhancing their vegan offerings, boasting over 1000 plant-based products. Nevertheless, the KitKat Vegan wasn’t able to capture the market as expected, leading to its removal from the shelves barely two and half years after its launch.
According to a spokesperson from Nestlé, "Klassische Schokoladenprodukte dominieren im Riegelsegment und sorgen für den größten Umsatzanteil" (Traditional chocolate products dominate the segment and account for the majority of revenue). This statement highlights the significant challenge faced by vegan alternatives to compete with established and beloved chocolate products. Despite consumer interest, the KitKat Vegan, like many other vegan products, failed to achieve the sales success anticipated by the company.
The news of the KitKat Vegan's discontinuation sparked varied responses on social media platforms. Some users expressed regret over the product's exit. One Reddit user shared their disappointment, stating, "Finde ich persönlich ziemlich schade" (I personally find this quite unfortunate). Others chimed in, noting their experiences at the supermarket. A different comment read, "Ich mochte sie, aber sie standen immer richtig dumm an der Kasse. Kein Wunder, dass sie keiner gekauft hat" (I liked them, but they were always placed awkwardly at checkout. No wonder no one bought them).
While some consumers will miss the vegan chocolate bar, many others feel ambivalent—or even relieved—by its disappearance. One Reddit user commented, "Bei halber Größe zum doppelten Preis, da ist es kein Wundernis, dass sie kein Verkaufsschlager waren" (Half the size at double the price, it's no wonder they weren't bestsellers). Another added, "Tja, der Preis war halt ungerechtfertigt hoch" (Well, the price was just unjustifiably high). This sentiment emphasizes the growing reality of vegan products being perceived as overpriced.
Feedback on the taste and texture of the KitKat Vegan also played a role. Some customers were dissatisfied with the product, with one lamenting, "Ich fand es leider eh sehr enttäuschend, viel trockener und weniger 'knackig' als die KitKats, an die ich mich erinnere" (I found it very disappointing, much drier and less crunchy than the KitKats I recall). These comments reveal the challenges vegan substitutes face, as they often struggle to replicate the textures and flavors consumers have come to love.
Despite the prevailing belief among the public about the health benefits of vegan diets, there remain significant misunderstandings. An expert warns of these misconceptions stating, "Viele Menschen glauben, dass eine vegane Ernährung gesünder ist, doch das ist nicht immer der Fall" (Many people believe vegan diets are healthier, but that's not always the case). This concern raises questions about the nutritional content of many alternatives—including additives and preservatives prevalent in some vegan products.
Interestingly, as the chocolate market changes, companies are dealing with price adjustments. Milka announced it would increase their prices by 33 percent, underscoring how cost sensitivity plays a significant role in buyer decisions across the confectionery industry.
While the KitKat Vegan's exit signals challenges within the segment, it also depicts the broader narrative of consumer expectations. The pressure to innovate with vegan offerings is at odds with the strong consumer loyalty to traditional products. This discontinuation presents both a cautionary tale and potential lessons for companies attempting to navigate the plant-based market.