Today : Mar 15, 2025
Arts & Culture
13 March 2025

Kep1er Captivates Fans At Yokohama Concert

Kep1er's first fan concert tour with new formation captivates audiences in Yokohama.

Kep1er's first fan concert tour, titled "2025 Kep1er FAN-CON TOUR [BEYOND THE STAR]," took place at Pacifico Yokohama on March 5 and 6, 2025. This event marked the group's initial concert on Japanese soil with their new seven-member formation, exciting both the fans and the group itself. The performance on March 6, which ended the concerts, created lasting memories for everyone involved.

During the opening video, enthusiastic cheers erupted from the audience as each member appeared on screen. Once the video concluded, the members emerged from both sides of the audience, waving to their fans called "Kep1ian" and making their way to the main stage illuminated by purple lights. They kicked off the concert with the Japanese version of their title track, "TIPI-TAP," followed seamlessly by "Back to the City," energizing the atmosphere with their typical cute and dynamic performances.

A highlight of the concert came from two special unit stages where the members showcased their versatility. Yujin, Xiaoting, and Hiyyih coordinated stylishly as they performed miss A's "Hush," exuding sophistication and flair. Meanwhile, Chaehyun, Dayeon, Hikaru, and Youngeun delivered their cover of TAEMIN's "Guilty," demonstrating the impressive range of their talents. The energy intensified when all seven members came together to deliver captivating performances of Stray Kids' "Back Door" and Ikuta Lilas' "Sparkle." This blend of powerful dance moves and powerful vocals thrilled Kep1ian, who cheered exuberantly.

After performing, Chaehyun expressed her gratitude, stating, "大きな声で盛り上げてくれて、私たちもほんっとうに楽しかったです!!" her eyes sparkling with joy. The sentiment was echoed by all the members, who, exhausted yet exhilarated from their electrifying performance, thanked the fans for their unwavering support and enthusiasm.

The concert was not just about the performances; humorous surprises added to the night's excitement. Fans witnessed a heartwarming moment when Dayeon and Hikaru were unexpectedly presented with birthday cakes to celebrate their March birthdays. With laughter and playfulness, Hikaru chimed, "MCが大変で誕生日のことを忘れてました!", as Dayeon jokingly stowed away strawberries from the cake, adding to the show's charming atmosphere.

After their last song, "WA DA DA (Japanese ver.)," the audience participated in the "Dance Challenge" segment. Fans eagerly showcased their dance moves on-screen to the catchy tunes "TIPI-TAP" and "WA DA DA." To everyone’s delight, Hikaru impulsively jumped on stage, exclaiming, "どうしてもやりたくなっちゃって、『やっていいですか!?』って聞いて、走ってきちゃいました!" Her spontaneous participation was one of many moments highlighting the joy of the concert.

The concert transitioned smoothly to the encore, where the members returned to perform the upbeat "Double Up!" Following this, each member took turns sharing their thoughts on the event. Dayeon shared her emotional struggles, saying, "私たちは完璧なステージのために一生懸命がんばっているんですが、なかなか完璧になれないことがあります。そんなときはつらいなと思うこともあるんですが、いつもKep1ianの皆さんが『最高だったよ』『素敵だったよ』と言ってくださるので、そのおかげでいつも胸がいっぱいになります."

Every member, including Xiaoting, expressed their joy and gratitude for the fans, capturing the essence of this remarkable event. "皆さん、どうでしたか? 私はKep1ianの皆さんのおかげで幸せな1日を過ごしました。" This warmth was palpable throughout the venue as members looked back on their successful two-day concert.

The excitement continued with the performance of "Shooting Star (Japanese ver.)," which was received with cheers and enthusiasm from the audience under the flutter of silver streamers. Just as the members seemed ready to conclude, Hikaru shouted playfully, "皆さん、ここで終わっていいの!?" Kep1ian responded with loud cheers, prompting the group to perform one more song, "tOgether fOrever," which lifted the audience's spirits even higher.

Following this memorable concert, Kep1er revealed plans for their upcoming Japanese EP, "AGAINST THE WORLD," set to release on April 30, 2025. The anticipation built as they introduced the lead song, "Yum," for the first time, leaving fans eager for more.

With heartfelt farewells, members expressed their gratitude and love for their loyal supporters. Yujin thanked everyone for making the concert special, stating, "皆さんのおかげで本当に幸せでした!これからもたくさん活動をがんばりますので、Kep1ian!一緒にそばにいてください!約束~!ありがとうございます。大好きです!" This sentiment encapsulated the spirit of the concert: joy, gratitude, and the promise of more to come.

Soon, we expect to see Kep1er continue to shine brightly, energizing their fans through music and memorable performances like those showcased at the "2025 Kep1er FAN-CON TOUR". Each note played and every cheer echoed throughout Yokohama marked not just the end of one concert, but the beginning of many more adventures to come.