Kazumasa Oda’s beloved Christmas music special, Christmas Promise, is set to bid farewell with its final broadcast on December 24, 2024. This year marks the 20th anniversary of the series, which initially launched back in 2001 when Oda penned letters inviting fellow artists to participate.
The upcoming broadcast promises to be especially poignant, as it not only wraps up two decades of music festivities but also celebrates the connections formed throughout the years. Oda expressed his deep sentiments about the show, stating, "I have met so many artists I wouldn’t have come across without Christmas Promise. The time spent creating this program was irreplaceable. I genuinely feel grateful for continuing this for so long" (Reported by TBS).
Adding to the excitement, on December 17, 2024, Spotify will release the Christmas Promise Playlist, curated by the artists who have supported Oda throughout his musical engagements. This playlist highlights the collaborative spirit and memories intertwined with Oda's program. Participated artists include the likes of Takako Matsu, Skima Switch, and JUJU, all of whom have left lasting impressions on the show's history.
Noted artist Takako Matsu recalls, "When I first participated, I was shocked and thought I couldn't sing decently on television. But with Oda there, I was surprisingly calm" (Reported by TBS). Such anecdotes speak volumes about the environment Oda cultivated, one of camaraderie and artistry.
Each artist selected songs for the playlist, deeply reflecting their personal experiences with Kazumasa Oda. This approach ensures the collection resonates not only with Oda’s fans but also with those who cherish the impacts these collaborations have had on their careers.
The final special will also feature the legendary medley titled 22’50”, originally performed by 21 artists back in 2009, promising to rekindle nostalgia and celebrate shared accomplishments. Renowned artist Masaki Nemoto noted, "During the planning stage, I couldn't fathom what was about to commence. Yet, Oda’s passion was palpable from the start, making the entire rehearsal feel like a collective artistic endeavor" (Reported by TBS).
The live audience reaction at the time of the medley’s performance was electric, culminating in standing ovations, showcasing the powerful music Oda has curated and the talents he has championed through the years.
Fans can revisit the captivating moments of previous years as TBS has made the 2021 edition of Christmas Promise temporarily available for streaming on platforms like TVer and TBS FREE before the grand finale. The limited-time offer began on December 10 and extends until December 24, 2024.
With anticipation building, the final broadcast of Christmas Promise 2024 will air on TBS, splitting across two segments; the first part starts at 10 PM, with the second part at 11:56 PM, ensuring viewers get the full celebratory experience.
Through every tear, laugh, and song shared, Kazumasa Oda’s Christmas Promise has become more than just a holiday special; it has stitched together the musical fabric of Japan and created lasting legacies for both the artists and fans alike.
For those wishing to soak up the spirit of this musical experience, the Christmas Promise Playlist is accessible on Spotify. You won't want to miss it!