On January 30th, the renowned Japanese comedy duo Kamaitachi made waves at the launch event for their new product, the "BAUM CHOCOLAT DE VOYAGE". Held in Tokyo, the event showcased the duo's signature humor amid their promotional duties, providing fans with ample fodder for laughter.
During the product reveal, Kenji Yamauchi, one half of the pair, unexpectedly took to apologizing to the media, uttering phrases of contrition without clear cause. "I can go for about 10 hours," he quipped at one point, which drew laughter from the audience and playful criticism from his partner, Ryuichi Hamaya, who quickly interjected with jokes of his own. This playful banter encapsulated the duo’s offbeat approach to media interactions, blending sincerity with comedic humor.
The event was highlighted by the spectacle of Yamauchi and Hamaya participating in taste-testing challenges involving the new product. The "BAUM CHOCOLAT DE VOYAGE"," is the newest addition to the popular series of baked goods crafted by Club Harie, known for their iconic Baumkuchen and Leaf Pie. The duo humorously took on the challenge of identifying different flavors, jokingly wagering on their knowledge of the product.
According to company officials, the new baked treat has already made quite the impression, having sold around 12,000 pieces within just one day of its initial release, which was originally rolled out first to Kansai residents. Yamauchi, who humorously declared himself as "Baumkuchen Yamauchi" for the occasion, and Hamaya as "Leaf Pie Hamaya," demonstrated their genuine affection for the product, which they have long enjoyed since their early days as performers.
Post the tasting rounds, Yamauchi humorously noted the pressure he felt to not guess incorrectly, saying, "If I get this wrong, I’ll sell my family home... even though my parents live there!" After successfully identifying the flavors, relief washed over him, eliciting chuckles from attending journalists and fans alike. Returning to the product, Yamauchi remarked on its unique shape, likening it to canned pineapples, praising its delightful texture infused with chocolate.
Interestingly, the duo’s playful exchange continued even when discussing personal preferences, with Hamaya expressing his love for well-cooked meat during another TV appearance alongside celebrities like Tomonori Yamaguchi and actress Shizuka Nakamura. When Yamaguchi claimed to prefer his grilled meat "super well done," Hamaya echoed the sentiment, stating, "Well done is the best, right?" Shizuka, caught between meat preferences, acknowledged she leaned toward cooked meat but hesitated, expressing her willingness to try rare dishes, only to be playfully called out by Yamauchi for being too accommodating.
Through their various media outings, Kamaitachi has gained notoriety not just for their comic talents but also for their relatable personalities. Reflecting on their shared moments, Yamauchi also updated fans via their social media, posting heartwarming images of his pets, alongside humorous commentary displaying his affection for his dog, which attracted positive feedback from followers. The sweetness of his posts reflected the comedian's offstage persona, endearing him to fans.
With various appearances, ranging from product launches to talk show interviews, Kamaitachi have managed to maintain their place as beloved figures in Japanese popular culture. Their synergy, not only as comedians but as individuals sharing life moments, continues to capture the affection of audiences across the nation.
Overall, Kamaitachi’s recent engagements serve to reinforce their status as one of Japan’s favorite comedic duos, merging heartfelt moments with their distinctive humor, continually entertaining fans young and old. The launch of their new baked goods coupled with their memorable exchanges showcases their dedication to their craft and the genuine joy they bring to their public appearances.