Kagura, renowned for its tonkatsu dishes, is all set to launch its enticing limited-time offering, the "Triple-Meat Katsu Curry," available starting January 10, 2025. This novel meal is expected to garner attention for its unique combination of beef, pork, and chicken, allowing diners to indulge their palates with three distinct flavors at once.
This debut follows the company's tradition of introducing festive menu items aimed at satisfying the post-holiday cravings often felt by customers eager for hearty meals. Kagura's new dish will be available at various outlets, enhancing the dining experience with what they describe as “heavy” protein offerings.
Setting itself apart, the "Triple-Meat Katsu Curry" aims to cater to both light and hearty eaters, presenting two sizes: 'H' for Heavy and 'L' for Light. Contrary to what one might presume about size labels, the 'L' size features one aiding of chicken, whereas the 'H' size generously includes two. Prices will start at 979 yen for the H size when dining inside the restaurant, with the L size priced at 935 yen.
The dish can also be enjoyed as part of the restaurant’s takeout menu, reflecting the contemporary dining trends where convenience and flavor go hand-in-hand. For takeout, the Heavy and Light options will be available for 961 yen and 918 yen, respectively, allowing patrons to enjoy this indulgent treat from the comfort of their homes.
Kagura’s marking of the New Year aligns with cultural practices where diners seek to fill their plates generously to usher good fortune and abundance for the coming year. "The new menu was developed to cater to those who want to start the year off with hefty meals", as stated by the company’s press release, exemplifying their commitment to customer satisfaction.
Founded back in 1998, Kagura has consistently prioritized quality, sourcing prime cuts of meat, and ensuring every dish is expertly prepared. With this new offering, they hope to continue their legacy of exceptional cuisine and customer satisfaction.
Those craving indulgence this festive season won’t want to miss out on the "Triple-Meat Katsu Curry". Available for a limited time, this exciting culinary creation aims to enliven the dining atmosphere as customers celebrate the arrival of another year.