Today : Sep 25, 2024
20 July 2024

July's Buck Moon Shines Bright

This weekend's celestial event celebrates nature's rhythms and a historic space mission

Whether you're an amateur skywatcher or someone with a deep passion for the cosmos, this weekend promises a celestial spectacle you won't want to miss: July's Buck Moon. The full moon peaks on Sunday, July 21 at 6:17 AM ET, casting its luminous glow across the night sky from Friday evening until Monday morning. Why is this particular full moon so special? It’s not just its visual grandeur—there's a rich tapestry of history and meaning behind it.

The term 'Buck Moon' originates from the Algonquin tribes in the northeastern United States. Male deer, also referred to as bucks, begin growing their antlers during this period, and by July, these antlers have matured and are covered in velvety fur. According to the Old Farmer's Almanac, this unique phenomenon inspired the name 'Buck Moon.' But, as NASA points out, other names exist too. Some Indigenous groups call it the 'Salmon Moon' because it coincides with salmon migrations, while Europeans often refer to it as the 'Hay Moon' for the hay harvesting season.

This year’s Buck Moon carries additional significance as it lands near the 55th anniversary of the historic Apollo 11 moon landing. On July 20, 1969, Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin made history with their first steps on the lunar surface. Noah Petro, chief of NASA's Planetary Geology, Geophysics, and Geochemistry Laboratory, suggests, 'There’s no better way to celebrate that than by going outside and looking at the full moon.' Indeed, toast to the incredible achievement of Apollo 11 with a glance at the Moon this weekend.

So, when exactly can you catch a glimpse of the Buck Moon? According to the U.S. Naval Observatory, its peak will be at 6:17 AM ET on Sunday, but it will be visible throughout the weekend. Ideally, find a location away from city lights to fully appreciate its brightness. Even if you're in an area plagued by light pollution, the moon will be bright enough to stand out in the sky. For the aficionados with a telescope or binoculars, you'll get an even better view of its unique features, including the dark volcanic plains that contrast sharply with its lighter terrain.

Astrologers also view the Buck Moon as an opportunity for reflection and manifestation. Celebrity astrologer Kyle Thomas, known for his cosmic guidance among celebrities and influencers, notes that this year's Buck Moon is in Capricorn, an Earth sign. 'Capricorn helps us understand the legacies we build and how we draw from tradition and the past,' says Thomas. He suggests incorporating elements of nature into your rituals for added potency, whether it's herbs, crystals, or even coins.

If you’ve ever been curious about how celestial events might influence your zodiac sign, the Buck Moon has something in store for everyone. Aries might experience a career breakthrough, while Taurus may feel an urge to travel. Geminis could face significant relationship changes, either deepening bonds or moving apart. The advice for each sign varies, but Thomas underscores that this period is an excellent time for all signs to harness the moon's energy for personal growth and reflection.

Astrology aside, the scientific community has its own take on this lunar event. The different monikers for July’s full moon, from 'Thunder Moon' to 'Mead Moon,' all point to the various ways cultures have marked this time of year. 'It’s fascinating to see how different societies have attached their own meanings and rituals to the same celestial events,' says Thomas.

An interesting twist this year is the overlap with another astronomical event: the upcoming Sturgeon Moon, the first supermoon of the year, due to appear on August 19. Supermoons are larger and brighter than regular full moons, making them a spectacular sight. 'It’s a great summer for stargazers,' says NASA.

The interplay between science and tradition makes astronomical events like the Buck Moon captivating. While the scientists meticulously calculate its phases and movements, cultural narratives add layers of richness to our understanding. These stories remind us that, for centuries, people have looked up in wonder at the same night sky, drawing inspiration, comfort, and wisdom from its vast expanse.

So why not take a moment this weekend to join them? Whether you're looking to ground yourself with earthly rituals or toast to human ingenuity and exploration, the Buck Moon offers something for everyone. As you look up, consider the multitude of people around the world who are sharing this experience with you, each finding their own meaning in the moonlight.

To borrow the words of Neil Armstrong, 'That’s one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind.' This weekend, let that leap be one of reflection, manifestation, and appreciation for the vast, mysterious universe we all share.

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