Gran Hermano 2024 reached its climactic finale on December 20, 2024, bringing together viewers and contestants alike for one last emotional showdown. Hosted by Jorge Javier Vázquez, the evening unfolded with intense anticipation as fans eagerly awaited the moment when the next winner of Spain's beloved reality show would be revealed.
At the start of the finale, three competitors remained: Juan, Óscar, and Ruvens. After weeks of competition, tension filled the air as Jorge outlined the prize of 300,000 euros, setting the stage for the final voting process. The atmosphere was electric as the contestants prepared to hear the verdict from the audience.
Ruvens was the first to fall away from contention after his exit as the third finalist, leaving Óscar and Juan to battle it out for the top spot. Touted as one of the most engaging personalities of the season, Juan had evoked strong emotions and support from audiences, which proved pivotal during the finale.
With the votes tallied, Jorge Javier Vázquez called out the name of the victor: "La audiencia ha decidido que el ganador de Gran Hermano es… ¡Juan!" The moment erupted with thunderous applause as Juan, caught off guard, covered his face with disbelief, shouting, "¡No me lo creo!" His joyous celebration was quickly shared with loved ones rushing to embrace him on stage.
Though the moment was filled with joy, it did not come without controversy. Despite being crowned the winner, Juan only received 150,000 euros, half of the promised prize. This outcome stemmed from the unique twist of the season, where contest regulations stipulated any player repackaged back after eviction would have their final reward reduced. When he was voted out earlier, Juan had temporarily left the show, only to be returned to the house courtesy of his close friend Adrián, who utilized the "life extra" to bring him back.
The decision to elect Juan as the winner drew mixed reactions from fans and fellow contestants alike, particularly from Ruvens. After receiving news of his own elimination, Ruvens publicly expressed his disdain, stating, "Lo único que quiero es que toda la gente que me ha votado a mí coja el móvil para votar a Óscar corriendo," indicating his preference for Óscar over Juan. This outburst, alongside Juan's victory, ignited fervent discussions on social media, with fans taking sides over their favorite contestants' merits.
Similarly, the reactions of the final audience also indicated the prevailing sentiments, with Juan's win representing not just personal achievement, but also the perceived resurgence of the "fresis" team among the participants. Juan acknowledged this influence, reflecting, "Este maletín simboliza todo el esfuerzo y la confianza que pusimos en nosotros mismos."
Juan also excitedly shared his plans for the money he received—hoping to purchase a home, support his family, and invest some funds for his dreams as a dancer. His sentiment echoed through the episode as he emphasized values of humility and integrity throughout his gameplay.
While Juan's victory was by no means without its share of criticism, it highlighted the unpredictable nature of reality television where audience sentiment and personal stories intertwine. This season of Gran Hermano has left no shortage of moments, personal growth, and emotional revelations, setting the stage for what may follow.
Looking toward the future, all eyes will be on the upcoming edition of Gran Hermano, which has already teased contestants like Maica Benedicto and Javier Mouzo returning for another chance at fame. With Carlos Sobera and Ion Aramendi set to host, the anticipation for more shocking twists and heartfelt journeys is palpable as another adventure begins. Will it create more compelling stories and rivalries? Only time will tell as fans remain glued to their screens, ready to witness all the drama once more.