José Mota, the beloved Spanish comedian, is set to delight audiences with his latest New Year's Eve special on TVE, titled '2024: Operación IA IA oh'. This marks Mota's 25th edition of his renowned New Year's show, having previously charmed viewers eight times as part of the duo Cruz y Raya and seventeen times as a solo act. This year is particularly special for Mota, as he recently celebrated 35 years since his debut on public television alongside his former partner Juan Muñoz.
The upcoming special, airing on December 31 at 22:00, promises to be filled with humor and important insights as it tackles the topic of artificial intelligence. Mota's ability to intertwine comedy with contemporary issues has made his shows popular among viewers, keeping them engaged and entertained.
José Mota has also been generous with his praise for rising star David Broncano, who he will humorously imitate during the special. Mota remarked, "I love it because they are doing fresh humor, a lively television. I think it's a very positive point for comedy when such daring proposals are thriving. It’s great news for everyone involved." This camaraderie with fellow comedians highlights Mota's commitment to fostering new talent within the industry.
RTVE has recently placed its trust back on Mota after years of mixed results with various projects. After struggling with shows like 'Hoy no, mañana' and 'El Acabose', Mota's fans are eager for his revival on public broadcasting. His previous summer series, 'José Mota Live Show', received strong audience figures, affirming his comedic prowess and making him a valuable asset for the broadcaster.
His special will feature several renowned comedians, including Millán Salcedo, Paco Collado, and Josema Yuste, who will join Mota on stage. These collaborations promise to add layers of humor and relatability, appealing to viewers of all ages. The comedic elements will undoubtedly resonate with the audience as they prepare to ring in the New Year.
Edu Lucky, from the comedy duo Doscapacitados, expressed excitement about working with Mota, saying, "And he didn’t hesitate to film a small sketch with us, with Josete being prominently featured." Mota's ability to recognize and promote talent has endeared him to many new artists and remains supportive of their journeys.
Mota's observations on the television industry have also been insightful. He noted, "When comedy becomes politicized, comedy loses its charm. That’s not the case with Broncano, who has shown immense talent. He seems capable and is enjoying absolute success." Such reflections highlight Mota’s perspective on the dynamics of humor and its unique role within societal discourse.
While developing his New Year's Eve special, Mota has remained neutral on the rivalries within the comedic circuit, emphasizing the importance of competition without fostering animosity among performers. "This has always existed; it’s part of the game. I like both Broncano and Pablo Motos, and I won’t choose sides. I’m thrilled for both of them as they excel on television," Mota commented.
Having firmly established his place at TVE, Mota conveyed his satisfaction with the network's transformation and direction. He believes public television is striving to produce the best possible content and is pleased with how his projects have been received. "TVE is legitimately fighting to create quality products, and if good audiences follow, it’s even more rewarding," he added.
The overarching plot of Mota's New Year's Eve special includes the theme of artificial intelligence taking over roles traditionally held by politicians, turning them instead to comedic figures. This satirical angle promises to provide viewers with both laughter and thoughtful commentary as they prepare to enter 2024.
With sketches paying homage to the evolution of comedy and its reflection on current events, viewers can expect to be entertained by Mota's wit and creativity, paving the way for fresh starts as the New Year approaches. Mota’s special serves as both a celebration and introspection on where society is headed, all wrapped up with engaging humor.