Jenna Ortega, the 21-year-old actress who skyrocketed to fame for her portrayal of Wednesday Addams in Netflix's popular series Wednesday, has recently opened up about her career and public image following the release of the long-awaited Beetlejuice Beetlejuice, where she plays Astrid Deetz. Speaking candidly, Ortega shared her mixed feelings about newfound fame and her inspirational mentor, Winona Ryder.
During her participation in various interviews, particularly with The New York Times' podcast The Interview, Ortega reflected on her transformative experiences, especially the pivotal role Ryder played during this change. “She just made me feel really, really beautiful and special,” Ortega remarked about Ryder, who plays her mother in the upcoming film.
This collaboration with Ryder significantly impacted Ortega, who describes it as occurring at “a time where my career was taking a different turn.” She expressed deep gratitude for the connection they formed, noting, “The way Winona and I got along was quite weird. It was like we were reading each other's minds a little bit.” Such sentiments highlight the warmth and kindness Ryder extended during this transitional phase of Ortega's life.
Ryder, reflecting on their relationship, echoed Ortega's feelings, stating, “I don't think I've ever bonded with someone like I did with Jenna.” She described conversations with Ortega as reminiscent of speaking to her younger self, marking their connection as both intense and meaningful.
During promotional events, Ortega also addressed the contemporary trend of remaking iconic films with female leads. Although she appreciates the increase of prominent female characters, she expressed concerns about simply spinning off existing franchises. “I love there’s a lot more female leads nowadays. I think this is so special, but we should have our own,” Ortega opined, stating, “I don’t like it when it’s like a spinoff. I don’t want to see like ‘Jamie Bond.’ You know? I want to see another bad***.”
The conversation around Beetlejuice Beetlejuice—released on September 6, 2024—sets the stage for this supportive exploration of female representation. With topics ranging from Hollywood's industry dynamics to personal reflections on burgeoning stardom, Ortega's insight continues to resonate across various platforms.
Despite the challenges fame can bring, Ortega remains grateful for the opportunities along the way. “It’s definitely an adjustment,” she admitted during her conversation with MTV, but the encouragement from Ryder has undoubtedly made the ride smoother. Their relationship is exemplified by their shared love for cinema. Ryder noted, “We just bonded so intensely, and it was incredibly helpful,” culminating moments of sharing insights and appreciation for film. “She is a cinephile, and we just can talk movies for years,” Ryder elaborated on the connection they share.
Overall, Ortega's narrative provides valuable insight not only about her evolution as an actress but also about the significance of mentorship within the entertainment industry. She recognizes Ryder's guidance as key to finding her footing amid the whirlwind of fame, allowing her to embrace her blossoming career with both strength and vulnerability.
With the film's release, Ortega is poised to continue her ascent, driven by her passionate character portrayals and the supportive bonds she forms. This intertwining of career development with genuine relationships offers hope to young actors mirroring Ortega's path, encouraging them to seek mentorships and build connections within their industry.