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14 December 2024

Japanese Youth Culture Trends For 2024 Revealed

From nostalgic revivals to new influencers, the ranking showcases what resonates with Gen Z.

The Japanese youth culture is undergoing dynamic shifts as various communities redefine trends for 2024. Recently, WE LABO, part of WEGO, released their ranking of trends per community aimed at Generation Z. This ranking was based on subcultures, which included the ‘JK’ (high school girl) community, ‘二次元オタク’ (2D nerds), ‘三次元オタク’ (3D nerds), Korean culture enthusiasts, dancers, ‘地雷’ (dangerous) communities, ‘Y2K’ style, and ‘ガーリー’ (girly) trends. The study divided annual trends across 11 categories and carefully ranked them within these subcultures.

The report shows the continued popularity of the Heisei retro boom among the younger generation. For the ‘Monos and Koto’ (things and experiences) category, the social media app 'BeReal.' retained its leading position within the ‘JK’ community for the first half of 2024. The Y2K community also embraced nostalgic items, citing trends like 'Heisei gyaru' and 'loose socks,' showcasing how retro culture is re-emerging. Meanwhile, things such as the ‘デジカメデコ’ (digital camera decoration) were highlighted by the 3D nerds as they rediscover old favorites.

Interestingly, the term ‘風呂キャンセル界隈’ (bath cancellation tribe), which emerged among young people who have opted out of bathing, made it to the ranks within both the ‘地雷’ and ‘ガーリー’ communities. It appears to be another humorous reminder of trendy procrastination among teenagers.

The ‘Koto' category showcased the phrase ‘うますぎやろがい’ (is too delicious) finding prominence across six communities, with it being the top phrase for five of them. This phrase exploded on social media after it featured prominently in popular short videos by singer-songwriter ‘紗耶華’ (Sayaka).

Meanwhile, the 2D nerd community crowned ‘メロい’ (melting) as their top term, which conveys deep affection, and saw the rise of the phrase ‘おい、笑える’ (Hey, that's funny), popularized through potentially viral TikTok moments.

The influencer rankings featured ‘ナナオ’ (Nanao) as a well-known YouTuber, maintaining popularity across three communities alongside newcomers, TikTok duo '一生友子' (Issho Tomoko), whose dance routines have captured substantial teen audiences. Meanwhile, the new idol group 'CUTIE STREET' has begun making waves since their inception.

Regarding talents, two notable female idol groups, ‘FRUITS ZIPPER’ and ‘ME:I,’ have emerged at the top of the spots throughout the year. Voice actor ‘小林千晃’ (Chihiro Kobayashi) continuously ranked due to her portrayal of beloved anime characters, attracting both 2D and 3D fans.

Music trends this year have been closely tied to several communities, with CUTIE STREET’s hit song ‘かわいいだけじゃだめですか?’ (Is it enough to be cute?) taking the crown within the 3D nerds, dancers, and dangerous communities. Y2K artists like ‘Elle Teresa’ also made their presence felt alongside anime-related tracks courted by the 2D nerds.

Fashion trends leaned heavily toward the Heisei retro boom, capturing the essence of ‘Y2K’ style, which was toppled only slightly by the rise of ‘Y3K’ — showcasing tight silhouettes and glossy materials reminiscent of the early 3000s. The word ‘スナ系’ (snade) also pushed through, ensuring it was recognized for its feminine appeal, particularly associated with the SNIDEL fashion brand.

Food trends are equally notable, with the resurgence of the ‘アサイーボウル’ (acai bowl) being identified as the top pick across all communities, barring the Y2K ones. Notably, ‘タンフル’ (Korean fruit candy) piqued interest across all demographics too, reflecting the curious blend of international flavors entering the Japanese youth palate.

Character-wise, ‘おぱんちゅうさぎ’ (Panchu Rabbit) took the lead within all but the girly community, and the 50-year milestone for ‘ハローキティ’ (Hello Kitty) is being celebrated across multiple subcultures, with ‘日焼けキティ’ (Suntanned Kitty) trending among Korean enthusiasts, appearing at second place for its gal-like appearance.

The survey executed by WEGO utilized Instagram for its data collection from October 1 to 31, 2024, capturing valuable insights from over 150,000 followers across eight unique community accounts.

The cultural commentary and trends dissected by WE LABO underline just how interconnected modern youth communities are becoming, as they engage with what’s nostalgic, fun, and innovative all at once, mapping out the timeline for their social behaviors and preferences as they evolve year after year.