Japanese drama enthusiasts are abuzz with the recent premiere of "Mondai Bukken" (Problem Properties), which has quickly become the talk of the town. Starring Takuya Kamikawa as the unconventional hero Dogato and Rio Uchida as the earnest heroine, the show delves deep...
The drama's format kits multiple strange and eerie incidents occurring at distinctive real estate properties, which include everything from suicides and poltergeists to rubbish houses. With its unique premise, "Mondai Bukken" invites viewers to join two contrasting detectives on a quest to solve the mysteries behind these bizarre events. Lauded for its compelling characters and clever plotting, critics and viewers alike have sung the show's praises.
Following its debut episode on January 15, 2025, the show has garnered significant attention not just for its storyline, but also for the charming behind-the-scenes footage featuring the canine actor, Korare, who plays the role of Dogato. An endearing video shared on social media showcased Korare’s adorable head-tilting antics, bringing smiles to both fans and the cast. One viewer remarked, “Kolare is so cute! Can't wait to see more,” sharing the lighthearted spirit surrounding the show.
"Mondai Bukken" cleverly weaves elements of the supernatural and mysterious, ensuring each episode presents unique challenges. The plot thickened as young real estate agent Eimi Wakamiya (played by Uchida) finds herself transferred to the newly established Special Sales Office, often dealing with bizarre complaints. For the first case, she faces the challenge of investigating rumors surrounding a rental property described as "the room where anyone who rents it dies,” referencing the tragic fate of past tenants.
While initially terrified, Wakamiya's character is nudged—not so gently—by her superiors to explore the paranormal claims. Kamikawa’s character, Dogato, confidently jumps on board to help, hastily initiating their investigation with confidence even when facing the inexplicable. "Let's go!" he exclaims, showing off his unflinching attitude...
The show's allure continues with future episodes promising to introduce new guest characters, including Yoji Tokui, Miyuki Torii, and others, each with peculiar stories linked to the main real estate themes. Delving deep, the second episode, set to air on January 22, explores yet another oddity featuring complaints about poltergeist activity. What ensues next is sure to keep viewers on the edge of their seats!
One might wonder how these incidents, often steeped in humor and mystery, resonate with real-life property issues. The writers of the show convey both the charm and challenges posed by living spaces, disguised cleverly through fantastical storytelling. With engaging plotlines drawn from real estate experiences, the series is not just entertaining but is cutting through the veil of what lies behind everyday homes.
Viewers have begun to speculate whether Korare embodies pieces of Dogato's character or if there's more to the dog than meets the eye, with social media echoing the question of how closely their quirks align. The interplay between the human characters and the canine actor adds to the richness of this cinematic experience, with art intertwining seamlessly with storytelling.
Future teasers promise to bring fresh faces and new peculiar situations, keeping viewers engaged and eager for the next episode. With the unique storytelling approach, adept comedy, and relatable character arcs, "Mondai Bukken" presents itself as one of the notable dramas to watch this season. It blends real estate quirks with supernatural elements, evoking both humor and suspense. Set your reminders because you won’t want to miss the latest mysteries awaiting! A new episode airs every Wednesday night at 10:00 PM on Fuji TV.