Japanese celebrities are keeping their followers updated with personal experiences shared through recent social media posts. Talent and television personality Imoto Ayako took to her Instagram to share delightful moments of her family trip to Tottori, where they encountered remarkable snowfall.
On February 25, Imoto posted: "久しぶりに家族で鳥取に帰省 とんでもない大雪のタイミング" ("It's been a long time since I returned home to Tottori with my family, right at the timing of incredible snowfall.") She excitedly relayed her experiences, including borrowing ski gear from two decades ago. Her son experienced his first snowfall and initially found the cold surprising. According to her, he quickly adapted, enjoying the snow at speed with tobogganing the next day.
Imoto’s fans responded enthusiastically to her post, with comments like: "たっぷり雪を楽しんでくださいね" ("Enjoy the snow plenty!") and "オシャレでかっこいいです" ("You're stylish and cool!"). Imoto is well-known for her appearances on World's Toughest Race: Eco-Challenge and her warm personality continues to shine through her social media interactions.
Meanwhile, former professional wrestler and talent Kitakou Akira also updated her followers on February 25 with her own take on the cold weather. She shared selfies on her Instagram where she looked slightly disheveled due to the fierce winds.
She expressed, "さみーーーーーーーっ 風が凄過ぎて手がかじかむ" ("It's sooo cold! The wind is so strong it's freezing my hands!"). Like Imoto, Kitakou received compassion and concern from her followers, with messages of encouragement, such as "風邪ひかないでよ〜" ("Don’t catch cold!").
These glimpses of life shared by Imoto and Kitakou reflect not only the weather's impact but also bring their followers closer to their everyday lives. Imoto’s snowy family fun contrasts with Kitakou’s struggle against winter's chill, yet they both celebrate the ordinary moments of family and personal challenges.
With each social media update, these celebrities continue to connect deeply with their audience, showcasing warmth during cold times and reminding everyone of the simple joys and difficulties of life.