Japanese celebrities created joyous moments during the New Year's Eve special program on January 1, 2023, as they fondly shared their quirky and heartfelt experiences related to Tokyo Disneyland. The program, aired by 日本テレビ (Nippon Television), featured multiple guests engaging with anecdotes ranging from personal stories to nostalgic moments about their time at the beloved theme park.
Among the stars, ぼる塾の田辺 (Boru-juku's Tanabe) stood out with her intriguing past. She recounted her time spent working as a cast member at Tokyo Disneyland, where she served from the ages of 20 to 27. Reflecting on her former life, Tanabe shared visuals of her days clad in the classic Disney attire, vividly bringing the audience back to those colorful days. Her memories were not only humorous but also filled with pride as she revealed, "本当に私、スゴい優秀で。『マジカルディズニーキャスト』っていう...実は私、それに選ばれてます" (I was really excellent. There’s this pin for 'Magical Disney Cast'... actually, I was chosen for it). The studio erupted with applause and cheers as she elaborated on receiving accolades for her exemplary service, highlighting the joy she derived from her responsibilities.
Tanabe humorously recalled how popular she was among park visitors, where lines formed at her register due to enthusiastic fans saying, "どうしてもあなたのレジで買いたかった" (I really wanted to buy from your register). The laughter this evoked illuminated the studio, sharing the thrill of nostalgia and admiration as she recounted moments filled with laughter and magic. Further detail from the Tokyo Disneyland Resort's official site emphasized the significance of the 'Magical Disney Cast' title, showcasing the spirit of camaraderie among cast members.
Another vibrant voice of the night was あの (Anho), who connected with the audience through discussions about her limited visits to Disneyland. She confessed, "いや、しょっちゅうじゃないですよ。友だち全然いないですし…" (No, it's not frequent. I don't have friends at all...). Her sincerity struck chords of relatability with viewers. She expressed her deep admiration for Disney and especially for Mickey Mouse, affectionately describing him as "圧倒的主人公感と長年愛され続けてるセンター張ってる人" (the overwhelming protagonist and the one who has been loved for many years). Anho's enthusiasm mixed with humor when she mentioned her concerns about engaging experiences at attractions like 'Turtle Talk,' where she quipped about her anxiety over potentially being put on the spot.
田辺's spirit was echoed by fellow guest 野呂佳代 (Noro Kayo), known for her vibrant anecdotes. Reflecting on her experiences, Kayo stated, "私もディズニー行ったら没頭したいんですよ..." (When I go to Disney, I want to immerse myself...), showcasing her dedication to exploring the park. Her stories surfaced fascinating visions of personal adventures, highlighting the unique moments she cherished at Disneyland, wrapped around her humorous desire to partake fully and passionately.
The evening unfolded with delightful interactions, laughter, and camaraderie as these celebrities celebrated the spirit of Disney and its ability to create magical memories. Each personal story added layers to the overarching theme of joy and nostalgia accompanied by the New Year festivities, allowing viewers to resonate with the stars and reflect on their connections to the enchanting world of Disney. The segment beautifully illustrated how these experiences at Tokyo Disneyland inspired enduring love and vibrant laughter amid the celebratory atmosphere.
Wrapping it all up, the special provided more than just entertainment; it was about sharing memories, laughter, and stories tied to the charm of Tokyo Disneyland. It sparked intrigue for audiences to celebrate their traditions and explore the joy of what Disney offers, reinforcing not only the beauty of the New Year but also the treasured experiences it brings.