On January 26, 2025, Japan observed the 24th anniversary of the tragic Yushin Incident, during which Lee Soo-hyun, a South Korean student, lost his life attempting to save a Japanese man who had fallen onto the train tracks at Shinjuku Station. This annual memorial has evolved from simply memorializing Lee's sacrifice to fostering dialogue and encouraging friendship between South Korea and Japan.
The solemn ceremony took place at Shinjuku Station, with around 150 attendees, including Lee's mother, Shin Yoon-chan, and Park Cheol-hee, the South Korean ambassador to Japan. Reflecting on her son's desire to bridge connections between the two nations, Shin remarked, "I want to continue my son's wish for friendship between Korea and Japan," emphasizing how her son's legacy could inspire future generations to build bridges rather than walls.
The legacy of Lee Soo-hyun is one of bravery, selflessness, and hope. On the fateful day of January 26, 2001, Lee was studying abroad when he saw the Japanese man tumble onto the tracks. He rushed to save him but was struck by the oncoming train. This act of heroism reverberated throughout both countries, stoking conversations about courage and treasuring life over nationality.
Park Cheol-hee underscored the importance of remembering Lee’s sacrifice. During his speech, delivered by Consul General Kim Hyun-sook at the subsequent cultural festival, he stated, "This tragic spirit and brave action gave great resonance to many people and awakened the significance and importance of friendship and cooperation beyond borders for the citizens of Japan and Korea. It is our duty to honor this legacy and strive for unity." His words landed weightily, reminding listeners of the potential goodness inherent across borders.
Over the years, the annual memorial has changed both names and formats. Once the "Shinjuku Train Track Accident Memorial Culture Festival," it has been renamed the "Lee Soo-hyun Memorial Culture Festival" to pay homage to his sacrifice. This name change reflects not just the commemorative nature of the event but also aims to cultivate the spirit of camaraderie and goodwill.
During the ceremony, participants laid flowers at Lee's plaque, which now stands as a heartfelt emblem of cross-cultural empathy and friendship. Shin expressed her hope during the ceremony, stating, "Holding hands together, we can develop the relationship between Korea and Japan to be more constructive and forward-looking," invoking the spirit of collaboration and trust.
This year marks the 60th anniversary of diplomatic normalization between Korea and Japan, adding layers of importance to the current events. Park reminded the crowd, "This year is particularly significant because it marks 60 years of normalization between our countries. If we can apply the spirit embodied by Lee to our current relationship, we have the opportunity to deepen our connection and promote peace."
Lee's story has also inspired the establishment of scholarships aiding students from various backgrounds, fostering opportunities for over 1,236 students across 19 nations, as his parents have channeled their grief through positive efforts to support education.
The emotional impact of such memorial events creates ripples beyond simple remembrance. It serves as both a reminder of loss and as a push for the citizens of both nations to reflect on their histories and to aim for future cooperation. At this year's ceremony, Shin added, "I have high hopes for our countries' relationship moving forward, especially with this anniversary." Her words of hope resonate with many who still dream of reconciliation and partnership.
Across decades, memorials for Lee Soo-hyun have been pivotal for Japan-Korea relations, instilling belief and motivation among the public to advocate for unity. The connections made through shared stories like his are invaluable. Only by learning from tragedies and celebrating acts of selflessness can the cultural bonds strengthen and intertwine.
Ending on this note of resolve, the community, through commemorations like these, commits to lessons taught by history and those who acted heroically. Lee’s legacy remains intact, focusing on realizing peace through collective remembrance and deepening friendships. Together, the citizens of both nations strive to create pathways of affection and collaboration, solidifying the bonds forged through sacrifice.