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World News
24 September 2024

Israel Intensifies Attacks On Lebanon Amid Growing Casualties

Emergency cries rise amid international condemnation of violence against civilians as the toll from Israel's airstrikes and explosive devices escalates

The Israeli-Lebanese relationship continues to spiral downward as hostilities escalate between Israel and Hezbollah, bringing with it heartbreaking casualties and complex international ramifications. Recent airstrikes and attacks have triggered fierce debates about the humanitarian impact and the legality of military actions taken by both sides, with international law and human rights taking center stage.

On September 23, 2024, Israel intensified its attacks on Lebanon, marking the deadliest day of conflict since the 2006 Lebanon War. Airstrikes across southern and eastern Lebanon and Beirut have reportedly resulted in at least 274 casualties, overwhelmingly civilians, including women and children, as Israeli forces continue to target areas suspected of housing Hezbollah fighters and their resources.

According to reports by Al Jazeera, the bombings hit not only military targets but also medical facilities, ambulances, and civilian homes, actions described as blatant violations of humanitarian law. Lebanese Health Minister Firass Abiad reported the dire toll on civilians, noting the systematic targeting of those attempting to flee the violence.

Just days earlier, on September 17 and 18, Israeli forces conducted remote detonations of electronic devices—pager and walkie-talkies—programmed to explode, aimed primarily at individuals believed to be aligned with Hezbollah. This novel form of attack left 37 dead, including two children, and caused injuries to over 3,250 people, highlighting the indiscriminate nature of the violence. Eye surgeons treated multiple casualties with severe injuries, leading some to have limbs amputated. Elias Warrak, treating the victims, lamented the significant number of ocular injuries sustained, with many requiring the removal of one or both eyes.

This method of targeting raises serious concerns among international legal experts. A coalition of 22 United Nations independent experts, including 13 special rapporteurs, condemned these attacks as “terrifying violations” of international law. They emphasized how the simultaneous detonation of thousands of devices could not possibly discriminate between combatants and innocent civilians, which goes against the principles of distinction and proportionality integral to just warfare.

Following the pager explosions, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu issued inflammatory statements, indicating he would not tolerate rockets fired toward Israeli territory, with stark warnings about all-out war. Yet, critics argue, this rhetoric blatantly ignores the suffering inflicted on civilians as well as the terror filled lives of everyday Lebanese citizens.

Comedian Jon Stewart, host of The Daily Show, recently lampooned Netanyahu’s militaristic bravado, ridiculing the remote detonation of devices as theatrical and akin to the outlandish plots of 80s James Bond films. With laughter and accolades from the audience, Stewart questioned the rationality behind the Israeli approach to what some have called "de-escalation through escalation." He pressed the point of absurdity, stating, “What makes you think they’re going to accept your rocketing or whatever other James Bond sh– you’ve been up to?”

Stewart’s comments reflect broader frustrations with the U.S. government's responses as well. Politicians and commentators have widely criticized the idea of increasing military support as efforts toward de-escalation, with figures like former CIA Director Leon Panetta labeling the actions of Israel as acts of terrorism.

The violence and instability have been compounded by the general climate of fear gripping Lebanon. Ordinary citizens, witnessing destruction and grieving their losses, are increasingly reluctant to communicate through texts or calls, fearing surveillance and retaliation. Amal Saad, a Hezbollah expert, encapsulated the psychological state of the population, describing the widespread fear, confusion, and paranoia resulting from the bombings.

The legal and ethical ramifications of the recent violence extend beyond local borders, raising questions about the international community’s responsibility and response. Observers note the importance of adhering to principles outlined by international humanitarian law, which seeks to protect civilians from the vicissitudes of war.

Even amid these tragedies, calls for peace negotiations resound louder. On September 18, the U.N. General Assembly controversially passed resolution demanding cessation of Israeli occupation, recognizing it as illegal under international law. This resolution received overwhelming support, exhibiting growing international discontent with Israel’s military maneuvers.

Adding to the complexity, U.S. National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan’s remarks celebrating the Israeli airstrike as "justice" drew ire and labelled him as out of touch with the on-ground realities. Commentators noted the long-standing U.S. complicity and support of Israeli actions, often allowing them to sidestep accountability before international law.

Reactions from within Lebanon demonstrate heightened calls for protection and engagement from global powers. Some Lebanese leaders have called upon the U.S. to cease outpouring financial resources to Israel—the military funding debate taking on urgent significance as conflicts intensify. The prevalent sentiment is one of desperation, longing for de-escalated tensions and true negotiations.“

These dramatic events point to the urgent need for comprehensive ceasefire agreements and dialogue among involved parties. With rising death tolls and the risk of regional destabilization, stakeholders must listen to grassroots calls for peace and reconsider militaristic approaches. The world watches closely, as each decision made carries significant potential for far-reaching consequences, not just for Lebanon and Israel, but for stability across the Middle East.

Only time will tell whether dialogue can stem the tide of violence, lessen the climate of fear, and lead both countries toward reconciliation instead of conflict. The poignant lessons from history echo the sentiment now—war brings devastation, but peace demands deliberate work and strong commitment from all parties involved.

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