Efforts to support communities affected by recent flooding across Indonesia have been coming from various organizations and leaders, highlighting the importance of collective humanitarian action. A prominent case is the International Networking for Humanitarian (INH), which has provided significant assistance to the Pondok Pesantren Tahfidz Quran Yatim Dhuafa Dzarratul Abbrar, located in Kampung Lengkong, Desa Nambo, Kecamatan Kelapa Nunggal, Kabupaten Bogor, following devastating floods.
On March 10, 2025, INH responded to the needs of flood-affected students by distributing aid, which was aimed at restoring damaged facilities. The floods had severely impacted multiple structures within the pesantren, including the students' dormitory, the pesantren office, kitchen, mosque, and practice rooms. INH's assistance included kitchen equipment such as stoves, dispensers, regulators, pans, kitchen sets, and plastic cabinets, as well as food packages to support the students and teachers during Ramadan.
“Kami juga menyalurkan sejumlah mushaf Al Quran untuk para santri penghafal Qur’an,” said Muhammad Hadiyan Abshar, manager of the INH program, explaining the holistic approach taken to address both physical and educational needs of the students. A total of 45 individuals, including students and teachers at the pesantren, benefited from this aid, aimed at accelerating the recovery of facilities and supporting continued educational activities.
Meanwhile, on March 9, 2025, Indonesian President Prabowo Subianto visited Kampung Tambun Indpres, Desa Buni Bakti, Kecamatan Babelan, Kabupaten Bekasi, to inspect the aftermath of flooding and deliver support to local residents. During his visit, Prabowo was accompanied by Seskab Teddy Indra Wijaya and local authorities. They toured the flood-affected area, where about 100 families had suffered due to the severe conditions.
Kombes Mustofa, the Bekasi Metro Police Chief, stated, "Kita juga terus dorong untuk kebutuhan sembako. Kaya kemarin di desa itu kita kirimkan 75 paket beras 5 kilo," confirming the distribution of rice and other necessary supplies before and during Prabowo’s visit. The president emphasized the government's commitment to fast responses and effective aid relaying support for those impacted by the natural disaster. “Saya turut prihatin atas musibah banjir yang melanda berbagai daerah di Jabodetabek. Pemerintah akan terus hadir, merespons cepat, dan mengambil tindakan nyata untuk membantu masyarakat yang terdampak,” Prabowo remarked, reinforcing the urgency of disaster relief efforts.
The initiative does not stop there; PT. Repower Asia Indonesia emerged as another key player during these challenging times by donating necessary equipment to support flood recovery efforts. On March 8, 2025, the company delivered a water sprayer to Ukhuwah Al-Fatah Rescue (UAR), which focuses on humanitarian aid and disaster response. This donation was handed over by Ichsan Thalib at the Radio Shilaturahim office and included financial support of 3 million rupiah to help with UAR’s operational expenses.
Ichsan advised, “Pergunakan alat semaksimal mungkin untuk kemaslahatan umat terutama yang tertimpa musibah,” urging responsible use of the equipment provided for maximum benefit to the communities suffering. Rahmat Fathoni, head of UAR Korwil Jabodetabek Banten, expressed gratitude for the trust placed by PT. Repower and stated, “Jazakumullah khairan atas bantuan yang diberikan. Insya Allah kami akan selalu istiqomah dalam beramal sholeh, dakwah bilhal dengan membantu para korban bencana secara maksimal.” This sentiment was echoed by H. Endang Sudrajat, the Chairperson of UAR, who reminded the team of the significant responsibility to maintain the confidence shared with the donors by effectively supporting those affected by the floods.
These multifaceted responses to recent flooding episodes across Indonesia reflect not only the strength of community unity but also the distinct roles different organizations take during crises. By providing basic necessities, educational resources, and cleanup equipment, both governmental and private sectors are instrumental in ensuring the recovery and resilience of the affected communities. It is through these collective efforts, as emphasized by all involved, where the true spirit of humanitarianism shines, encouraging continued cooperation and support for people impacted by the calamities.