On February 22, 2025, prominent organizations across Indonesia mobilized to provide urgent aid to communities ravaged by recent disasters, including floods and fires. The NU Care-LAZISNU, alongside the Badan Pengelola Keuangan Haji (BPKH) and local government officials, delivered much-needed support to the residents of Lampung Timur.
During the visit to the Mekarjaya village, representatives distributed emergency supplies such as food packages and hygiene kits. This effort was part of BPKH's disaster response initiative, showcasing their commitment to help communities stricken by natural disasters.
H A Jalaluddin, the Chairman of LAZISNU PWNU Lampung, expressed gratitude for the assistance, stating, "Kami terus berkomitmen NU Care-LAZISNU PWNU Lampung dalam terus berperan aktif membantu masyarakat yang membutuhkan, khususnya dalam situasi darurat seperti bencana alam." His remarks underscored the organization's dedication to providing continuous support.
The aid distribution also extended to several other districts within Lampung Timur—Jabung, Batang Hari, Sukadana, and Way Bungur—demonstrated the extensive reach of this relief initiative. On the same day, the Kementerian Agama’s office, represented by Usman Saenong, visited the Ponpes Manbaul Ulum Addariyah DDI Patobong, which suffered devastating losses from a fire earlier this year.
During this visit, cash assistance was provided to the educational institution to help it recover from the calamity. Usman Saenong noted, "Semoga ini dapat meringankan beban dan membantu proses pemulihan," emphasizing the moral support from Kementerian Agama.
Support for those affected by these disasters is not only financially or materially symbolic but signifies the broader cultural ethos of collective social responsibility permeated throughout Indonesian society. H Puji Raharjo, representative of PWNU Lampung, expressed deep empathy for the communities impacted by the floods, asserting, "Kami mengapresiasi serta mengucapkan terima kasih kepada BPKH RI dan LAZISNU atas sinergi dalam membantu masyarakat yang membutuhkan." His statement reflected the sentiment of gratitude shared among local leaders witnessing the collaboration.
One of the villagers, Sukaman, reported on the extent of the flooding, indicating 540 out of 621 families were affected. "Pada saat banjir tersebut kami telah mengantisipasi dengan mengadakan pengungsian," he added, noting efforts to shelter families, though many opted to stay with relatives during the calamity.
The past few months have seen concerted efforts from various levels of government and community organizations aimed at alleviating the suffering as families rebuild after devastating losses. These support networks have become integral to disaster recovery planning.
Acknowledging the road to recovery is not without its challenges, Jama'ang, from Ponpes DDI Patobong expressed tremendous appreciation for the funds received for their rebuilding efforts. He stated, "Atas nama pimpinan pondok, kami mengucapkan terima kasih sedalam-dalamnya atas bantuan yang diberikan. Ini sangat berarti bagi kami dalam proses pemulihan," emphasizing the lasting impact of financial and community support on their ability to bounce back.
The distribution of aid during these trying times serves as both immediate relief and long-term investment for these communities. It is not merely about delivering supplies; it reshapes the fabric of societal resilience, allowing communities to cultivate long-lasting relationships built upon empathy and mutual support.
This response to recent disasters sends a clear message—that solidarity and action go hand-in-hand when faced with adversity. With frameworks of support established, there is renewed hope for the recovery and future sustainability of these affected communities.