During last night’s prayer gathering at the holy shrine of Karamat, Hojjatoleslam Seyyed Hossein Momeni shared insights on the significance of human actions and their repercussions both in this life and the hereafter. He emphasized the importance of recognizing our relationship with God, the Prophet, and the Imams, based on teachings from the revered Imam Sadiq (peace be upon him).
Momeni stated, “The infallible Imam (Ali) means if we recognize our relationship with God, the Prophet and the Imam will manifest themselves in our lives.” He stressed how genuine devotion enhances our connection to these divine figures and positively influences our lives.
The speaker characterized knowledge of God as the first principle, declaring, “Everything is under the control of the Divine Being, and there is no power above His power.” He indicated how perceiving oneself as humble and poor before God leads to sincere worship, enriched through recitation of divine verses, especially Surah Al-Hamd.
Delving deep, Momeni described the essence of knowing the Prophet, “To truly know the Prophet is to acknowledge him as the giver of glad tidings and the enlightening lamp for the community; everything he states is divine guidance.” He quoted verse 128 from Surah At-Tawbah, highlighting the deep compassion and relentless pursuit of guidance displayed by the Prophet: “Surely, a messenger has come to you from among yourselves; it grieves him to see you in distress; he is concerned for you, and to the believers, he is kind and merciful.”
Momeni pointed out, “Despite the hardships and insults faced by the Prophet, he never once cursed his people,” showcasing the Prophet's patience and good nature even amid adversity. He passionately addressed the need for knowledge about the Imam, reminding listeners of their obligation to entrust their affairs to him, stating, “We must be careful about how we reflect on the presence of Imam Mahdi (may Allah hasten his reappearance) in our lives.”
He warned against metaphorically hanging signs of rejection on one's heart, implying the danger of closing oneself from the Imam’s guidance. Emphasizing the Imam’s companionship, he proposed: “The Imam is like a sympathetic friend, kind father, fraternal brother, and nurturing mother to their child.” He went on to convey how the Imam’s attention never wavers, noting, “Be it remembered by you or not, he is always remembering you, praying for you irrespective of your awareness.”
Describing the inability to connect with the Imam as the worst form of orphanhood, Momeni exclaimed, “The Imam is not merely a leader but is the companion who never leaves our side.” He cited verses from Surah Al-Ma'idah to bolster his assertions, underlining the necessity for God-consciousness to attain divine favors.
He concluded with assurance, “Rest assured, if your heart yearns for the Imam, he will rush to you with his entire being.” The sermon provided the attendees with hope, focusing on humanity's intrinsic connection to divinity and the importance of nurturing such relationships through knowledge and devotion.