After nearly two decades, the beloved Japanese period drama ‘The New Burning Shogunate’ has made its triumphant return to the screens, captivating old and new audiences alike. The premiere aired on January 4, 2024, with Ken Matsudaira reprising his iconic role as Tokugawa Yoshimune, also known as ‘the Burning Shogunate,’ introducing viewers to fresh plotlines filled with family dynamics and thrilling action sequences.
The show originally aired from 1978 to 2003, earning its place as one of Japan's most cherished series. With gripping storytelling and captivating performances, it follows the adventures of the Eighth Shogun, Yoshimune, who disguises himself as the commoner Tokuda Shinnojo to combat corruption and restore justice among the populace.
The new series, directed by Takashi Miike and written by Mika Omori, brings to light unique challenges faced by Yoshimune as he grapples with succession issues during his rule. The fresh storyline focuses on the complex relationship between Yoshimune and his son, Iesuke, played by Daigo Nishihata, who is set to inherit the title of Shogun but struggles with health issues.
Matsudaira expressed his joy upon returning to the role, stating, “I have always wished for this revival, and I was truly thrilled. It felt like ‘We did it!’ and I am incredibly happy.” He emphasized the importance of maintaining his health during the hiatus, engaging regularly in exercise to prepare for the new demanding role without feeling out of practice.
Adding to the excitement of the revival, the show features GACKT, renowned for his flamboyant performances, making a notable appearance as the flashy lord from Owari, Tokugawa Muniharu. His character emerges as a rivalry for Yoshimune, seeking to undermine his authority as the shogun and brings additional tension to the plot.
“The introduction of children for the first time is exciting, and this new version of the story will differ significantly from the original,” Matsudaira added during the press conference, showcasing the modern twists applied to this classic narrative, enhancing its appeal to younger audiences.
This latest adaptation also showcases significant action sequences and combat scenes, something longtime fans will find thrilling. The choreography promises fresh excitement, with superior martial arts skills crafted to captivate viewers.
“I want people to experience this new flavor we’ve infused. It’s still the same ‘Burning Shogunate’, but it feels new and modern,” he encouraged viewers. The premiere episode is packed with laughter and dramatic moments, reminiscent of the original nuances but reimagined for today’s audience.
Viewers had their initial concern about the show’s return after such a long absence, but early reviews are promising, praising the engaging storyline and powerful performances. With the broadcast on Saturday nights at 9 PM, viewers will compete against other popular shows for ratings, including the established favorites of Japanese reality television.
Reflecting on the original run, Matsudaira recalled how the series was initially expected to last just three months due to low viewership, seeing ratings start low at about 8% before significantly increasing over time, much to the joy of the cast and production team.
At 71 years old, Matsudaira embodies the character with grace and endurance. His dedication to the craft remains evident as he performs with the energy of someone half his age. “I think it's important to keep wanting to do what you love and what makes you happy,” he shared about the secret to maintaining his youthful vigor.
Fans can expect to see new faces join the beloved ensemble cast, which now includes prominent actors such as Seiyuu Ozawa and actress Ryoko Takashima, each portraying vibrant and multidimensional characters, adding depth to the show’s universe.
The production hopes to carry the legacy of 'The Burning Shogunate' forward, breathing new life and contemporary themes about family, allegiance, and societal challenges, examining human ties through the lens of history.
‘The New Burning Shogunate’ does not just aim to rekindle nostalgia but strives to expand its universe, weaving historical truths with rich narratives filled with conflict, humor, and heart, making it timely and relevant again. Viewers are invited to not only reminisce about the past but to engage with the present as they witness the saga's new chapter unravel.
Overall, this revival stands as both homage to the original cult classic and as its independent work, ready to carve its niche within contemporary television drama. The next episode is slated to air the following Saturday, continuing the exhilarating saga with unforeseen twists and character development.