The documentary 'Wer wir waren' explores humanity's legacy, raising poignant questions about how future generations will perceive us. Set to air on January 6, 2025, as part of the 3sat program schedule, the film invites viewers on a contemplative voyage, reflecting on past actions and envisioning potential futures through the lens of six contemporary thinkers.
Directed by Marc Bauder, 'Wer wir waren' showcases the perspectives of notable figures such as astronaut Alexander Gerst, economist Dennis Snower, molecular biologist and monk Matthieu Ricard, oceanographer Sylvia Earle, economist and philosopher Felwine Sarr, and philosopher Janina Loh. Each participant brings unique insights, leading viewers to ponder, “How will future generations think of today's society?”
The film employs lush visuals and intensive dialogues, guiding audiences from the depths of the ocean to the vastness of space. It questions the current state of the world through the eyes of these thinkers, who voice their concerns and hopes for future generations. The documentary is available for viewing worldwide until January 12, 2025, offering nearly two weeks for global audiences to engage with its content.
Among the illuminating discussions featured, 'Wer wir waren' delves deeply not only within humanity's intrinsic value but also how we affect the natural world around us, stressing the urgency needed for thoughtful stewardship of our planet. Climate action and conservation have become pressing themes, carefully interwoven throughout the documentary.
For example, the upcoming third part of the series hones in on the battle for rainforest preservation, emphasizing the destructive consequences tied to the greed for tropical hardwoods, oil, and gold. Bauder reflects on the alarming reality where vast areas of rainforest are still being cut down and burned every day, with only two percent of the clear-cut trees being processed effectively.
It is evident from discussions within the film, reinforced by the contributors, including notable environmentalists and scientists, the path forward must encompass conservation efforts with local people rather than against them to preserve the ancient cultures and traditions of rainforest-dwelling tribes.
“Naturschutz mit und nicht gegen den Menschen ist die einzig realistische Perspektive für die Zukunft des Regenwaldes,” emphasizes the need for human-centered conservation strategies. This calls for action to save the last wild places alongside their native peoples and knowledge systems.
'Wer wir waren' elegantly combines artistic endeavor and social critique, sparking necessary discussions about our past and its consequences. With increasing challenges facing humanity and the environment, this documentary is critically relevant at this moment.
Viewers around the world are encouraged to engage with this thought-provoking piece, not only to reflect on history but also to take action, leaving enduring impacts for generations to come. The narrative not only unveils the challenges we face as stewards of the Earth but also kindles hope by inviting collaboration between humans and nature. The 3sat program on January 6, 2025, promises to be enlightening and sets the stage for impactful discourse on these pressing global issues.