Honda Marin, the renowned figure skater, has taken to Instagram to share her excitement following her recent performance inspired by the popular anime "Oshi no Ko" during the "BISF25×The World of Anime" ice show held on January 25 and 26, 2025, at the Ovijon Ice Arena in Fukuoka. At the event, she dazzled audiences with her routine, which featured the infectious theme song, "Idol," performed by the musical group YOASOBI.
Marin, who is known for her artistic flair and captivating performances, dressed as Ai Hoshino, one of the beloved characters from "Oshi no Ko." Her costume was playful and vibrant, featuring pink as its primary color along with frills and knee-high socks, perfectly capturing the essence of the character. Posting to her social media, she expressed her joy, stating, “I’m so thrilled to skate to my favorite song from my favorite anime...”
The ice show was not just another performance; it was part of a larger event where numerous skaters donned costumes inspired by various anime characters. Marin's routine stood out not only for her skill on the ice but also for how it showcased the growing intersection of anime culture and figure skating.
Beyond her dazzling costume, Marin's performance was complemented by the upbeat tempo and lively lyrics of YOASOBI’s "Idol," energizing the audience. Fellow skater, Shoma Uno, was also present, adding star power to the event. The duo's participation reflects the collaborative spirit of figure skating today, where artists support each other across platforms and mediums.
Marin's younger sister, Honda Sara, showcased her support by commenting on her sister's post with, “I will support you forever.” This familial bond resonates deeply with fans, illustrating the close-knit nature of the Honda siblings, who both excel in their artistic endeavors.
Fans took to Instagram to shower praise on Marin’s performance. Comments ranged from simple exclamations like “So cute!” to more elaborate declarations like, “You look like the ultimate idol!” The combination of Marin's talent, charming costumes, and popular music has sparked abundant enthusiasm online.
One follower described her performance as “an angelic display,” emphasizing how closely it mirrored the qualities of the anime character she portrayed. Indeed, the reactions were overwhelmingly positive, with many fans exclaiming statements such as, “You truly are the ultimate idol!” and “What incredible energy!”
The integration of anime themes within traditional figure skating has paved the way for innovative performances and audience engagement. The success of Marin’s routine could lead to even more anime-inspired routines by figure skaters, blending the worlds of ice artistry with narrative storytelling from beloved series.
Honda Marin’s unique blend of fandom and athleticism continues to inspire, making her performance at this year's "BISF25×The World of Anime" ice show not just another show, but rather a significant moment of cultural crossover. It celebrates not only her personal achievements but also the universal language of art and fandom.
Such spirited performances not only resonate with viewers but also keep the essence of the cultures they represent alive. Figure skating enthusiasts will likely keep their eyes peeled for more from Marin and her peers, as they explore the vibrant interplay between anime and live performance art.
Marin's latest Instagram update serves as both a farewell to this magical performance and an invitation to her followers to stay tuned for more exciting ventures on and off the ice. With her talent and passion, she continues to leave audiences in awe.