Despite having graced cinemas over three decades ago, the beloved holiday classic, Home Alone, continues to capture hearts each Christmas season. Celebrated for its humor and mischief, the film has become family viewing for many. Recently, several of the stars from the movie reminisced about their experiences filming, sharing behind-the-scenes stories and encounters.
Among the most memorable recollections is actor Daniel Stern’s retelling of his time on set as Marv Murchins. During interviews, Stern found humor and disbelief reflecting back on how he and his co-star, Joe Pesci, showed dedication - sometimes to peculiar extremes. He remarked, "Joe is wonderful, and I love him - he’s a dear friend. But he’s a scary dude," indicating Pesci’s intense approach to portraying Harry Lyme, their character's villainous aspect.
One incident stands out as particularly noteworthy: during filming, Pesci attempted to cultivate fear, especially during the scene where he threatens young Kevin McCallister’s fingers. Tragically, Pesci's commitment led to something much more drastic when he ended up biting Macaulay Culkin’s finger for real, resulting in lasting repercussions. Culkin later shared, "He was trying to scare me. He was like, ‘I want to be menacing to this kid.’” Culkin, still recalling the experience, added with humor, "I have a scar. I saw his face - and I’ve never, ever seen Joe Pesci actually scared. Because he’s like, ‘I just bit a kid!’" Stern confirmed the tale, noting, "Joe apologized immediately, saying, 'Ah, sorry I did this.' It was the only time I ever saw him break character. We were trying to be scary, and you realize we're idiots planning these scenes.
Another comical episode from the film involved the infamous tarantula scene, which stressed Stern significantly. Initially thinking they would use a fake spider, he was surprised to learn they were using the real deal. "The wrangler told me, ‘He’s not going to bite you, you’ll be fine,’" Stern explained. Consequently, he let the real tarantula crawl across his face. "So, I let him crawl around on my face for about five minutes, just so we both got used to each other," he said with a chuckle.
The emotional exchanges didn't end with the menacing sequences. Reflecting on her experience filming, actress Catherine O'Hara, who played Kevin’s mother, Kate, revealed her struggle with saying harsh lines to the then-10-year-old Culkin. Remarking on her infamous line, she recalled, "I can’t tell you how much my heart sank saying something so horrific to this beautiful child.” At the time, O'Hara noted she lacked insight as she was not yet a mother herself. "Of course, I was not yet... I had no idea the kind of things would come out of my mouth with my own kids," she added, eliciting laughter from the crowd gathered during Culkin’s recent Hollywood Walk of Fame star ceremony.
So, what of Culkin? The young star of the holiday classic has never seemed to escape the film's shadow. Recently, he aired his thoughts about potentially purchasing the iconic McCallister family home, which has seen its price tag soar. Earlier this year, the house hit the market for $5.2 million, and Culkin cheekily remarked, "I had half a mind to buy it - just for giggles,” considering turning it Superman-themed or fitted with other attractions for tourists. Yet he humorously decided against it for practical reasons, noting, "I got kids. I’m busy, man.”
Despite the various tales of mischief and unintended consequences on the set, both the stars and the fans alike maintain a collective affection for Home Alone. It remains steadfast as not only timeless entertainment but as cherished nostalgia. O'Hara eloquently summed up the impact of the film during Culkin's star ceremony, saying, "Home Alone was, is, and always will be a beloved global sensation." Many would agree, as families all over the world still gather annually to enjoy the delightful chaos Kevin created when defending his home.
With streaming access provided through platforms like Disney+, the film continues to find new audiences. Memories of the past are intertwined with the laughter and warmth the movie cultivates with each season.”