Today : Mar 17, 2025
Arts & Culture
16 March 2025

Hiroko Moriguchi Shares Heartwarming Moments From Charity Concert

The singer expresses gratitude for senior colleagues' support and recaps emotional interactions.

Renowned singer and entertainer Hiroko Moriguchi recently updated her Ameba blog, sharing special moments from the 12th All Music Industry Music Concert, which took place on March 12 at the famous Suntory Hall located in Minato Ward, Tokyo. Known for her lively personality and deep emotional connections, Moriguchi took the opportunity to reflect on her experiences during the charity event, posting pictures and recounting backstage stories.

On March 16, Moriguchi wrote, "昭和を生き抜いてきたパワーが溢れた空間!大先輩に囲まれながらも、終始なごやかで、楽しかったです", which translates to, "It was a space bursting with the power of those who lived through the Showa era! Surrounded by senior colleagues, it was always amicable and fun." This lovely sentiment encapsulates the warm atmosphere she experienced at the concert, which was intended to benefit those affected by the 3.11 disaster.

During the concert, myriads of emotions were shared, including Moriguchi's interactions with celebrated figures such as Sachiko Kobayashi, Matsumoto Iyo, and Mie Kaneno. Reflecting on her time with these idols, Moriguchi fondly recalled their camaraderie. "小林幸子さん、クミコさん、松本伊代さん、と神野美伽さんと同じ楽屋だったんです", which translates to, "I was in the same dressing room as Sachiko Kobayashi, Kumiko, Matsumoto Iyo, and Kaneno Mie," showcases the collaboration and unity among artists.

She even mentioned how she approached Kobayashi with the idea of taking a group photo after the rehearsal. "それ、いいね", said Kobayashi, her voice vivid and supportive, as Moriguchi recalls. This encouragement lifted Moriguchi's spirits, likening their interaction to the fun of being part of a club, instilling the importance of community and support within the industry.

Beyond the light-hearted moments, Moriguchi shared how meaningful others' words were, particularly those from Kobayashi. "後輩にかけて下さるお言葉、ひとつひとつが、本当に優しくて…LINEでも、デビュー40周年への労いのお言葉を頂き、ジーンときました", translating to, "Each word she offers to her juniors is truly kind... even on LINE, she sent words of encouragement for my 40th debut anniversary, and I was deeply moved." This interaction not only reflects the fondness and camaraderie between them but also speaks to the common challenge of longevity and resilience within the music industry.

Moriguchi ended her blog post with renewed determination, stating, "幸子さんのように、人に愛情深く、そして覚悟を持った歌声を私もずっとずっと届けられるよう、頑張ります", or, "Like Sachiko, I will continue to deliver songs filled with deep affection and resolve." This declaration demonstrates Moriguchi's aspiration to impact others similarly, inspired directly by the legacy of her seniors.

This blog entry serves not only as a reflection of Moriguchi's life and career but also shines light on the positive relationships maintained within the music world. Through support, shared experiences, and respect for those who came before her, Moriguchi is committed to progressing forward, both as an artist and as a mentor for others. The heartfelt inspiration she found during this gathering is likely to resonate within her upcoming endeavors and throughout the industry.