Today : Mar 28, 2025
25 March 2025

Hidalgo Congress Stages Open Parliament To Protect Journalists

Legislative initiative aims to update protections for journalists amid technological changes

The Congress of the State of Hidalgo is making strides towards enhancing the legal framework surrounding journalism in the region. An Open Parliament was convened on March 24, 2025, aimed at constructing the Law for the Integral Protection of the Journalistic Exercise of the State of Hidalgo, a significant move in addressing gaps in protections afforded to journalists and media workers.

Key figures present at the meeting included Tania Meza Escorza, the president of the Commission of Welfare and Social Inclusion; Julián Nochebuena, a member of the ruling Morena party; and Víctor Miranda, a representative of Government Communication. Together, they engaged with journalists from the Huasteca and Sierra Alta regions, listening attentively to their contributions and concerns. Meza Escorza emphasized the necessity of this initiative, commenting, "Es la primera vez que en esta Legislatura se realiza un Parlamento Abierto para atender una deuda histórica con el gremio periodístico de Hidalgo. Escuchamos propuestas, voces y críticas de las y los periodistas de la Huasteca y la Sierra Alta, un gremio de gran relevancia en el estado."

A significant directive behind this initiative is the recognition that the current law, which provides protection for journalists and activists, dates back to 2012 and is due for an update. With the evolution of technology and the media landscape, it is imperative to adjust the legal protections available to those in the journalism profession. Meza Escorza noted, "la nueva normativa no sólo protegerá a periodistas, sino al ejercicio periodístico en su conjunto," indicating that the law aims to extend protections not only to individual journalists but also to all aspects of journalistic work.

The Open Parliament is part of a series of forums designed to gather feedback and insights from the journalistic community. Additional forums are scheduled for March 28 in Tula, April 3 in Ixmiquilpan, and April 4 in Tulancingo. Following these consultations, there will be work tables to analyze and systematize the gathered results, paving the way for the creation of a comprehensive and effective law. It has been stressed that these forums are vital as they highlight the journalists' voices who directly face the challenges of the profession.

Meza Escorza articulated the importance of journalist participation, stating, "son las y los periodistas de esta región tan importante donde el gremio se ha organizado desde hace décadas en beneficio de sus derechos, pero que hasta el momento no habían quedado satisfechos." This acknowledgment of the longstanding organization and demands of journalists reflects a commitment to ensuring their rights and needs are adequately addressed in the new legislation.

With such forums, the Congress aims to build a law that not only responds to the needs of current media practices but also stands as a testament to the evolving nature of journalism in the region. The intention is to create an environment protective of journalistic integrity and freedom, which is critical in today’s fast-paced digital age.

In conclusion, the progress represented by these forums and the Open Parliament signifies a proactive approach by the Congress of Hidalgo to rectify historical oversights in journalistic protections. The collective effort underscores the importance of a legal framework that not only protects those on the frontline of information dissemination but also enriches the broader discourse around media rights in Mexico.