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10 September 2024

Harris Faces Unique Scrutiny Amid Election Campaign

Media critics highlight disparities between Harris and Trump's treatment as the VP campaigns.

Harris Faces Unique Scrutiny Amid Election Campaign

Kamala Harris, the Vice President of the United States, continues to find herself at the center of intense media scrutiny as the 2024 Presidential race heats up. Unlike male counterparts, particularly Donald Trump, Harris faces mounting criticism for her media presence and perceived lack of accessibility to the press. The conversation around her candidacy raises questions about double standards when it involves the media’s treatment of male and female political figures.

Recent discussions among prominent media figures have highlighted this disparity. For example, Atlantic editor-in-chief Jeffery Goldberg articulated his belief during his show, stating, "I want to talk about, I’ll call it plainly, a double standard we have in this campaign." This notion of unfair judgment quickly entangled itself with comparisons between Harris and Trump, as Goldberg suggested Harris would face grueling questioning about her policies if she ventured off-script, unlike Trump, who seemed to evade such accountability.

Goldberg cited Trump’s foray, where he derided green energy initiatives, noting how he rambled from topics of bacon to various political points without facing the same level of critique. He shocked listeners by asserting, "If Kamala Harris went from bacon to wind… she would not be the nominee of the Democratic Party.” The point seemed lost on him, with many arguing against the validity of drawing such contrasts between the two candidates.

Domenico Montanaro of NPR joined the conversation, echoing the sentiments of double standards. He claimed, “[T]here is definitely a double standard,” noting how voter perceptions of candidates differ between parties. Yet media responses remain deeply polarized, often framing conversations around Harris differently than they would for Trump, who has often aroused criticism without the same ramifications.

Critics of Harris often point out her speaking style, which some liken to the incoherence frequently exhibited by Trump. The Vice President has garnered attention for her vague speeches, such as saying, “we will work together and continue to work together…” This tendency to deliver unclear statements has prompted eyebrows to raise, leading to significant debate about her competency as the Democratic nominee.

Alongside media scrutiny, Harris’ campaign has also faced sharp criticism for its perceived lack of transparency. Joe Kernen, hosting CNBC’s "Squawk Box," recently expressed dissatisfaction over Harris’ minimal press engagement. He emphasized, “The American people are frustrated, the media is frustrated,” referring to the delays leading up to press conferences and direct interactions with voters.

Despite these perceptions of evasion, Harris's supporters, including Commerce Secretary Gina Raimondo, staunchly defended her. Raimondo argued during her interview on CNBC, insisting Harris has maintained clarity on her values throughout the campaign, even if public perception has not aligned with these assertions. “This is a presidential election like no other. She only has a few weeks to do everything,” she noted, highlighting the unique stresses of the current political environment.

The surrounding media narrative has proven challenging for Harris as polls reveal troubling trends for the Democratic presidential candidate. Voter sentiment shows her approval waning, particularly on issues central to the campaign: immigration and the economy. Despite not traditionally being viewed as parameters of her performance, these topics have deep-rooted importance, especially with key battleground states reporting tightening race statistics.

New polling data places Harris and Trump statistically tied within battleground states like Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Nevada, with Trump leading by five points overall. Observers attribute some of this disconnect to Harris’s increasingly visible struggles to connect with voters on economic issues – aspects historically weakened under Democratic leadership.

Political analysts have noted Harris’ efforts to shift public perception, attempting to downplay her traditionally leftist positions and present herself as more moderate. Her campaigning alongside Minnesota Governor Tim Walz has drawn some attention, yet the strategy appears to lack significant traction. Joe Battenfeld of The Boston Herald observed, “the once bright glow from Harris's ascension...has started to wear off as voters take closer looks at her far-left record and policies.”

Continuing her campaign trail, she was seen rallying support at various locations across New Hampshire and other key states. Still, she has gone nearly fifty days without convening reporters for formal interactions, which experts believe could be detrimental as public relations strategies increasingly rely on transparency. Fellow Democratic lawmakers have expressed concerns over Harris’ failure to hold media events, calling it uncharacteristic for someone vying for the Presidential seat.

Makeshift attempts to clear doubts about her authenticity have drawn heated discussions online. Harris was criticized for allegedly switching accents during her speeches; such observations ignited humor and mockery on social media platforms. Republican strategist Matt Whitlock quipped about her “changing fake accents” as she maneuvers through different political personas. White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre, countering this criticism, labeled the notion “insane,” yet the mere discussion indicates growing anxiety surrounding public perception.

Beyond her communication challenges, there persists internal party worry about her policies and their resonance with the larger electorate. Particularly concerning is the Vice President's approach to inflation, as she champions claims of decreasing rates amid evidence of continuing price rises. Economists and analysts remain skeptical, and Harris's staff faces the dual task of maintaining confidence within the party and persuading the broader electorate of their effectiveness.

With the media calling attention to internal struggles and external pressures, the upcoming debates also loom large for Harris. With her performance directly impacting voter sentiment and potential migration of undecided voters to Trump, the stakes couldn’t be higher. The question many are asking is whether she can rise to the occasion.

Looking toward future polling and general election outcomes, many Democrats maintain hopes Harris will recover momentum as voters grow familiar with their policies. Yet as national tensions simmer through economic difficulties, immigration crises, and pandemic recovery, time is against the Vice President.

The media environment swirling around Kamala Harris encapsulates the multifaceted struggles female politicians face when contrasted against their male peers. Many argue standards should be similar across the board, but demonstrated realities suggest disparities remain. For Harris, clarity of communication, press engagement, and earnest policy presentations may prove necessary for recapturing public trust and electoral viability as the campaign advances.

The next few months promise to be instrumental for Harris not just as she contends with Trump but also as she seeks ways to emerge from this narrative holding America’s attention and maintaining the Democratic front during one of the most contentious election seasons yet.

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