On December 26, 2023, the much-anticipated finale of "Gurunai" aired, showcasing the thrilling conclusion of its popular segment "Gochi Narimasu! 25." The special broadcast extended over four and a half hours, featuring emotional moments as contestants were eliminated live. The stakes were high, with the contestants facing the possibility of being eliminated based on previous self-paid amounts, and the overall suspense captivated viewers.
The competition format remained intense, with regular contestants, including the duo Ninety-Nine's Takashi Okamura and Fumiyo Takahashi, alongside guests Yoshino Kimura and Tori Matsuzaka, vying for survival. The episode introduced unique gameplay rules, highlighting the importance of guessing the cost of gourmet dishes correctly, with the highest discrepancy leading to severe penalties.
Yasuko Hayashi, who entered the competition optimistic, faced unexpected turmoil when she became responsible for footing the considerable souvenir bill of 64,000 yen. Initially starting the contest ranked fifth, she plummeted to the bottom after the surprise rule impacted her standings. "It's over..." she lamented as the reality of her situation set in.
The special rules were key to the finale’s drama, as the contestants continuously battled each other’s culinary guesses. Contestants who guessed the nearest price to the hidden total were rewarded, establishing suspense during the broadcast. Those who fell short found themselves at risk of elimination, adding layers of pressure to the contest.
The highest monetary threshold for the contest was set at 40,000 yen, but the contestants regularly exceeded this limit, thereby igniting fierce competition. With Yasuko’s fate hanging by a thread, the crowd witnessed not only the effects of the challenging game but the emotional toll it took on its participants.
The episode also marked the return of Yabu Koichiro, who had been eliminated earlier, adding surprise elements to the closing moments of the contest. Reportedly participating from another room, Yabu failed to secure his return to the main cast, marking the first time he was absent from the finale, raising significant discussion among viewers.
Leading up to the elimination announcements, the stakes of elimination had everyone on edge. A staggering three participants were slated for potential eviction, intensifying everyone’s performance. The overall atmosphere was electric as viewers remained glued to see who might eventually depart the lineup.
Emotions ran high as the competition not only signified the potential end of careers for iconic figures but showcased the joy and pain interwoven within competitive dining. Audience reactions varied from tears of joy to disappointment as the contestants navigated their survival through strategic guessing.
Following the conclusion of the segment, viewer feedback exploded, showcasing mixed emotions about the outcomes. While some contestants walked away unharmed, others faced harsh realities, emphasizing the show's engaging dynamics and viewer investments.
"I never thought we would see two contestants get cut like this. It’s brutal but it’s also entertaining!" commented one social media user, encapsulating the entire viewer sentiment. This finale serves not only as another successful chapter of "Gurunai" but also as encouragement for next episodes, promising perhaps more dramatic twists and significant guest appearance interactions.
Looking forward, the show is set to return with its larger-than-life format on January 16, 2025, promising another two-hour special. The upcoming episodes feature some exciting twists, with audience engagement assured, as viewers will once again be invited to partake in the thrilling world of competitive dining.
With preparations underway for the upcoming special, discussions around various strategies employed by contestants hint at intense future segments. The audience anticipates more surprises and would be taken along on this delectable yet nail-biting ride of culinary competitions, making it clear why "Gurunai" remains one of Japan’s enduring television favorites.