The Japanese film Granmezon Paris, directed by Ayuko Tsukahara and starring actor Takuya Kimura, has made waves at the box office, kicking off its run with impressive earnings. During the first week after its release on December 30, 2023, the film grossed over 13.9 billion yen, drawing approximately 960,000 moviegoers. These numbers put the film on track to possibly exceed the 30 billion yen mark as it continues its theatrical run.
Following the storyline of the successful 2019 TBS drama Granmezon Tokyo, Granmezon Paris immerses viewers in the culinary realms of Paris, the renowned capital noted for its rich gastronomic heritage. The film trails chef Natsuki Obana, portrayed by Kimura, and his ambitious pursuit of achieving Michelin's highest honor—three stars. "The film is more than just entertainment; it's about passion and ambition set against the backdrop of one of the world's finest culinary cities," observed the film's team.
Celebratory moments leading up to the film's premiere included star-studded red carpet events, showcasing not only Kimura but also co-star Kyoka Suzuki and other members of the ensemble cast, such as Ock Taek-kyun. December 21 marked a significant promotional day with the luxurious Granmezon-themed bus making rounds in Shinjuku, garnering enthusiastic applause from fans and building anticipation. The successful launch event created invaluable buzz, aiding the film's strong box office performance.
Audience reactions have been overwhelmingly positive, describing the film as "a quality piece satisfying both appetite and heart" and likening the experience to savoring fine cuisine, leading to meaningful connections and emotional satisfaction throughout its runtime. Many audience members have reported leaving theaters feeling fulfilled, echoing sentiments of enjoying a carefully crafted multi-course meal.
With continued interest, the film enhances not only its narrative of culinary delights but also the artistic portrayal of dreams and the rigorous effort behind becoming one of the best. Critics have pointed out its elevated storytelling and strong performances as major contributors to its box office success.
The projections for Granmezon Paris remain strong, as distributors anticipate it to break more records and solidify its status within the industry. The film’s narrative appeals to both fans of the original series and newcomers alike, making it relevant and timely within the current cinematic offerings.
Overall, the success of Granmezon Paris shines as part of Japan's growing influence on the international film scene, bridging cultural storytelling with universal themes of ambition and success. Audiences and critics alike are eager to see where this film will go as the weeks progress, with many anticipating its sustained impact on viewers and its potential earnings at the box office.