On April 3, 2025, girls and young women across Germany will have the unique opportunity to explore various professions typically underrepresented by women through Girls Day events in cities like Dorsten and Lübeck. This initiative aims to broaden the horizons for girls in grades 5 to 13, inspiring them to consider careers in fields such as surveying, gardening, and technology.
The city of Dorsten is particularly enthusiastic about its offerings for Girls Day. With 24 spots available, local officials are eager to welcome participants. One highlight will be an official reception led by Nina Laubenthal, the First City Councillor of Dorsten, in the council chamber. Following this, attendees will engage in hands-on activities within selected professions, culminating in a discussion with Mayor Tobias Stockhoff. As stated by the city, "The city of Dorsten is looking forward to numerous registrations and to showing young women new career perspectives."
Five career fields will be represented: surveying technology, social welfare investigations, road maintenance, gardening, and environmental technology. However, interest is high, as the sectors related to the fire brigade and automotive mechatronics are already fully booked. Potential participants are encouraged to secure their spots before the registration deadline on March 31, 2025, via the online portal at www.girls-day.de.
Meanwhile, the Junior Campus of Technical University of Lübeck (TH Lübeck) is also gearing up for Girls Day with an exciting array of activities designed to engage schoolgirls further. From 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. on the same day, participants can select from six courses. Interested parties must register by April 1, 2025, as capacity is limited.
One of the standout courses is "Social Media, Messenger and E-Mailing," where students will explore the digital communication landscape. They will learn not only how to navigate these platforms safely but also the risks associated with media. As stated by TH Lübeck, "In the course 'Social Media, Messenger and E-Mailing,' students will discover the world of digital communication." This course is designed to empower young women with skills they can apply in everyday life.
Participants curious about the science of caffeine will enjoy a hands-on experience designed to uncover how the caffeine content in coffee and energy drinks is determined. This course will offer practical engagement as students will conduct experiments and analyze their findings.
Another innovative offering is "Lebensmittel mit Backofen und High-Tech" (Food with Oven and High-Tech), where students can experiment with modern kitchen technologies, working with various equipment like spray dryers and heat exchangers. This hands-on experience promises fun and learning, including a collective baking session.
The course titled "Energie – Sonne, Wind und Wärme schlau genutzt!" (Energy - Sun, Wind and Heat Cleverly Used!) will provide insights into technologies surrounding the energy transition. Participants will learn about solar, wind, and thermal energy applications, followed by a guided tour of TH Lübeck's high-voltage laboratory.
Lastly, participants interested in issues with plastic waste can opt for the course "Kunststoffe – 3D-Druck, Prüfung und Besonderheiten" (Plastics - 3D Printing, Testing and Special Features). Here, students will learn about the importance of managing plastic waste and how technology, including 3D printing, can be harnessed to address these challenges. This includes creating small components to understand the nuances of different types of plastics and their applications.
The collaborative efforts of cities like Dorsten and educational institutions such as TH Lübeck reflect a growing commitment to inspire young women to pursue careers in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) and related fields. Women are still notably underrepresented in many of these professions, making such initiatives critical for fostering diversity and encouraging the next generation of female leaders.
As the date approaches, both institutions are enthusiastic about the turnout and the positive impact these events will have on participants' future career considerations. With registration still open for both locations, now is the time for young women to seize this opportunity. As emphasized by city representatives, these learning experiences are not just events but important stepping stones towards empowering young women and broadening their professional aspirations.