Chaos struck the Geissens family during their much-anticipated yacht trip to Abu Dhabi, as customs officials launched a surprise inspection of their luxurious vessel, the Indigo Star. Known for their lavish lifestyle and reality TV presence, the German millionaire family faced unexpected hurdles which made their outing anything but glamorous.
The Geissens, including members Robert (60), Carmen (59), Davina (21), and Shania (20), originally planned to enjoy the excitement of the Formula 1 Grand Prix from their yacht, having secured prime docking arrangements thanks to their friend, racing driver Nico Hülkenberg. On January 6, 2025, viewers of the show will witness this unusual family adventure upon its premiere on RTLZWEI.
Before they could enjoy the festivities, the family encountered several bureaucratic challenges on their way to the famed race. Just as they neared their destination, they were informed by authorities they could not dock due to missing paperwork. “They said we can’t come with our papers,” Robert explained, illustrating the seriousness of the situation.
Despite these alarming issues, Robert and Carmen determined to continue their voyage, confident they had the necessary documentation. “We’re sure we have the right papers,” Robert insisted, as they set their course toward the Abu Dhabi marina. They eventually received permission to proceed, leading them directly to the harbor.
Hopes were high until the family faced the next wave of trouble—from customs. During the inspection, customs agents arrived with dogs trained to detect drugs and explosives. “We are waiting here at the Waiting Key for customs control,” Robert reported, sensing the tensions rising aboard the yacht. Suddenly, the stakes increased when the dogs reacted to some items on the vessel.
What followed was nothing short of dramatic. Authorities discovered several items, resulting in the confiscation of two gas bottles, three drones, and even decorative samurai sword belonging to the family.
The drama intensified when the customs officials detected something unusual—a reaction from Carmen’s traditional Chinese herbal medicine. “All we want is to enjoy our time here. We didn’t expect any of this,” she lamented, reflecting the family’s dismay.
With troubles mounting, the family was unable to continue their adventure until customs had inspected everything—including the contents of their safe. “We didn’t know the code for the safe, which held important items,” Robert shared as the stress mounted. Fortunately, the seasoned Captain Ivan knew the combination, allowing them to finally secure the safe and get closer to docking.
Despite the chaos, the Geissens did manage to reach their desired location after around eleven hours of challenges at sea. Even after this, the family’s troubles were not entirely over. They faced additional complications over importing alcohol for their celebration aboard the yacht—an issue which Shania noted, saying, “They are very strict about everything here: alcohol, dogs, driving; it’s always something.”
The day wasn’t all bad, though—after those harrowing hours, Robert’s spirits brightened again when Hülkenberg personally invited him to see the cockpit of a Formula 1 car, giving the millionaire something to cheer about amid all the chaos.
The precarious adventure and challenges faced by the Geissens serve as the perfect preamble for their show, highlighting the ups and downs of their extravagant lifestyle. The new season promises not just luxury and glamour but also unpredictable twists, as fans will see how this wealthy family navigates the realities of their high-flying lives.
Viewers can tune in to the new season of Die Geissens – Eine schrecklich glamouröse Familie and catch the rollercoaster ride with this remarkable family. From customs inspections to celebratory reunions, the series continues to showcase the unpredictable blend of leisure and life’s little challenges encountered by the rich and famous.