On January 6, 2025, TBS will air the special three-hour episode of 'Adventure Boy's New Year Escape Island Special'. This is set to be filled with surprises as various pairs compete to escape the island, racing to reach their goal four kilometers away.
This 'Escape Island' edition features the boy group &TEAM's members, FUMA and K, who will be making their debut on this popular show. Together, they will tackle challenges inspired by their namesakes, particularly focusing on K's character hidden within survival aspects.
While FUMA’s creative ideas lead the way, the show also highlights the comedic dynamic between them: K, known for his humor, dashes around with jokes as FUMA plays the straight man role.
Alongside FUMA and K, comedian Endo Shozo is joined by his two sons, who set the tone with their 'independence from mom' challenge. The trio promises both hilarity and heartfelt moments as they navigate their way through familial connection amid the competition.
Another fascinating duo includes the comedic giant Abare-kun paired with the 'escape game' champion Matsumaru Ryo-go. Together, they are working not just to win but to facilitate an audience experience, ensuring viewers feel they are also embarking on this challenge.
Adding cultural richness to the episode, FUMA and K will also participate in traditional mochi-making, introducing fun variations to the challenges faced on the island. Viewers can expect quirky episodes from such experiences, particularly when unforeseen troubles arise during their activities.
Onlookers will witness various reactions from the studio, with Tanaka Naoki reflecting on emotional moments of camaraderie, and Snow Man's Mikuro Ren unable to contain his laughter during comedic highlights.
Don't miss this exciting interplay of laughter, emotional reunions, and the celebration of New Year's spirit on 'Adventure Boy's New Year Escape Island Special'!