Today : Jan 18, 2025
Arts & Culture
17 January 2025

Fujimoto Mikitty Engages Fans With Heartfelt Posts

Cherishing ordinary moments and celebrating her return to the world of Doraemon

Fujimoto Mikitty, the beloved Japanese talent, took to social media recently to share relatable moments from her daily life, sparking joy and engagement from her fans. On January 16, she posted on Instagram about her "too common breakfast," bringing smiles and comments from followers who identified with her experience.

Mikitty shared, "朝ごはんは昨日の残りのシチュー 冬にはシチュー あったかいシチュー" (Breakfast is leftover stew from yesterday. Stew is warm for winter). Her photo featured the hearty stew she enjoyed, alongside slices of bread, highlighting her preference for this comforting meal during the colder season. This post struck a chord with her followers, many of whom enthusiastically echoed her sentiments.

Fans commented with their own experiences, saying things like "うちも全く一緒の朝ごはん 胡椒まで一緒" (We have exactly the same breakfast, even the pepper!), and “ウチも昨夜シチュー→朝シチューだったので、すごく嬉しいです" (We also had stew last night and again for breakfast, which makes me so happy). These messages reflect how Mikitty's simple moments resonate with her audience, creating a sense of community.

But that's not all Mikitty has been buzzing about. On January 15, she announced another delightful update on her Instagram. She expressed her excitement about her upcoming role as the queen in the new "Doraemon" film titled "のび太の絵世界物語" (Nobita's Picture World Story). This marks her second time participating as a voice actress for the popular franchise, having previously lent her voice to the character two years ago.

Mikitty expressed her elation, stating, "またドラえもん達とご一緒出来る事に感動してます" (I am so moved to work with Doraemon and the others again). Her followers were thrilled by the news, showering her with messages of support and anticipation like, "2回出来ることあるの!?凄すぎ!!!" (Is it possible to do this twice!? Amazing!!!). Their enthusiasm highlights the kind of rapport she has built through her social media presence.

Not content to stop at just sharing her breakfast and film news, Mikitty also updated her YouTube channel, providing followers with insights about her life and thoughts on personal matters. She reflected on comparisons drawn between her body and former fellow "Morning Musume" member Goto Maki's figure, recalling how the media often juxtaposes their appearances. With humor, she remarked, "ヒドい話よ" (What a terrible story), emphasizing her indifference toward unrealistic beauty standards.

Mikitty affirmed her comfort with her current self, stating, "私全然ずっと現役感でいたくないし、昔に戻りたいとは思わないし" (I don’t want to keep feeling like I’m still active, and I don’t want to go back to the past). She instead appreciates her growth, indicating she and Goto have taken different paths. "可愛いなぁと思うよ、昔の私。でもぺらっぺらでただ細いだけで、人間味がない" (I think my past self was cute. But I was just thin and lacked the richness of being human).

This candidness resonates not only with her long-time fans but also with many who grapple with their own body image issues. It is this authenticity and relatability, combined with her cheerful engagements like sharing recipes or everyday moments, which continue to endear her to fans across generations.

Through her social media, Mikitty successfully bridges her professional achievements and personal anecdotes, demonstrating how she embraces both her past and present. With her unique blend of charm, humor, and relatability, Fujimoto Mikitty remains not just a talent but also a relatable figure for many across Japan.