Drissy Noda Miyu, a first-year student at Meiji University, has proudly claimed the runner-up title at the prestigious Fresh Campus Contest 2024, known for identifying Japan's most charming new students. This contest, widely regarded as the largest of its kind, showcases student talent and potential across the nation.
Miyu was ecstatic about her achievement. "I’m so grateful for the support from my fans during these eight months," she expressed, highlighting her appreciation for the encouragement she received throughout the competition. Her heartfelt words resonate with many who have witnessed the relentless drive of students working hard to make their dreams come true.
Despite feeling nervous on stage, Miyu's confidence blossomed during the announcement of her win. "Even though I felt nervous, seeing my supporters made it easier," she said, pointing out how the comfort of familiar faces helped ease her tension. Her remarkable composure and poise earned applause, showing how she embraced the spotlight.
Reflecting on the challenges she faced during the contest, Miyu shared the struggle of balancing her academic commitments with daily online broadcasts. "Every day was busy, especially after the Golden Week; I managed over 200 days of continuous streaming!" she admitted. The hectic routine sometimes left her short on time, particularly during school festival preparations. "After classes, I had to rush home to get ready for the next live session," she recalled, emphasizing her dedication.
Through experiences like the contest, Miyu highlighted her growth. She mentioned how her daily streaming proses taught her to present herself well, as she knew her actions were constantly under the watchful eyes of her fans. "I realized the importance of presenting myself well and connecting with my fans during the contest," she reflected, which has now become central to her development as a budding star.
Miyu stated her goals with clarity. "I really want to become someone who can bring smiles to many people," she says, reinforcing her desire to inspire happiness through her future endeavors. With aspirations to expand her involvement with media, she expressed excitement about her recent experience on television. The budding talent recently appeared on the show "Sunday is Colorful 2", marking her first foray on screen.
During the program, she faced the exhilarating challenge of expressing flavors through food commentary. "I was wondering how to articulate the taste," she laughed, indicating how the experience motivated her to develop greater vocabulary and skills for future opportunities. Her genuine passion for communication and connection sets her apart from her peers.
Miyu's determination shines through as she considers her future endeavors. "I’ve always admired Meruru, as she inspires me daily with her charm and energy," she said. Her ambition to be like the celebrated idol reflects her aspiration to create joy within her audience.
Lastly, as Miyu shared her thoughts on achieving dreams, she emphasized the importance of resilience. "I believed in myself and my supporters, and I kept pushing through, even when results were slow early on," she revealed. This determination ensured her success and highlights the significance of perseverance, especially when dreams feel distant.
The Fresh Campus Contest, now entering its 15th year, not only recognizes outstanding individuals like Miyu but also fosters environments where students can thrive creatively. Many previous participants have gone on to become successful TV announcers, models, and talents, establishing strong careers, which reinforces the event's life-changing potential for young aspirants.
Miyu’s story is not just about winning a title; it's about growth, tenacity, and the unwavering drive to inspire others. With her dreams set high, Drissy Noda Miyu remains determined to use her platform to spread positivity, embodying the essence of what it truly means to be the Fresh Campus Contest’s ambassador.