Four天王, the renowned Japanese comedy group, has announced their 7th solo live show titled '謎のナゾ', set to take place across two exciting days in Tokyo and Sapporo. Fans can expect to experience the group's unmatched energy, promising the most vibrant performance to date.
Scheduled for March 19, 2025, the Tokyo performance will be held at ユーロライブ, with doors opening at 19:00 and the show starting at 19:30. Meanwhile, the Sapporo audience can look forward to the show on March 30 at 演劇専用小劇場 BLOCH, where the doors will open at 16:30 and the show will commence at 17:00.
The ticket pricing is set at 3,000 yen for advance purchase, and 3,500 yen for those attending on the day of the event, both offering numbered seating options. Tickets will be available for purchase starting January 7, 2025, at 13:00 on respective platforms ZAIKO for Tokyo and TIGET for Sapporo.
The group, which consists of charismatic members including 卓也努力勝利 and ジェット, expressed their earnest desire to deliver their most dynamic and humorous show yet, filled with both classic and new comedic material. 卓也 stated, “Our previous solo live shows have been amazing, but this year we aim to go even higher, stronger and create something unforgettable!”
He added, “We wish for everyone to truly feel our return this year!” His enthusiasm was echoed by fellow member ジェット, who mentioned, “I am strongly passionate about this upcoming show; it’s my personal goal to create my best solo performance yet. I want as many people as possible to be there!”
Fans of 四天王 can expect their signature character-based sketches alongside beloved routines, making this live show not just another performance, but rather an event steeped in the group's comedic legacy. The performers have promised to bring intensity and creativity, making sure the audience connects with them on another level.
With the anticipation building, this event marks not only another milestone for 四天王 but also showcases their continued evolution as entertainers who consistently push the boundaries of comedy. Ticket sales are sure to attract many fans eager to witness what promises to be two memorable performances full of laughter and joy.