Today : Sep 19, 2024
19 September 2024

Football Faces Pivotal Shift On Misogyny

Women in Football pushes for serious change as discrimination remains rampant

Football Faces Pivotal Shift On Misogyny

Football is undergoing what many are calling "a pivotal moment" for tackling issues around sexism and misogyny, with organizations advocating for greater gender equality playing key roles. Yvonne Harrison, the chief executive of Women in Football (WIF), emphasized the significance of collective action during a recent meeting at the House of Lords, where WIF board members engaged with Debbie Hewitt, chair of the Football Association. The session aimed to strategize on promoting change within the sport.

Harrison conveyed the pressing need for the football industry to address inequalities, noting, "What can we do together? The work we do is about trying to drive change to make the game for everyone, particularly for women." While she acknowledged positive strides being made, she didn't shy away from highlighting the prevalent negative aspects within the sport.

Data reveals concerning trends. A survey conducted by Women in Sport uncovered startling statistics about gender representation at the top tiers of football management. Women currently make up just 10% of Premier League board members and only 5% of EFL Championship boards. Such figures starkly indicate the systemic challenges women face within football.

WIF's annual survey detailed alarming experiences among female football professionals. An overwhelming 89% reported they had encountered gender-based discrimination at work, with more than 60% stating they felt no action was taken when they reported such incidents. Harrison remarked, "Women fear they are not going to be eligible for promotion or they will be seen as trouble-makers. That’s why they don’t often report [discrimination]." It reflects a troubling culture of silence and fear, where even the act of speaking up can be seen as risky.

The statistics also showed broader dismissive attitudes, as 16% of respondents reported their voices were not even heard when they raised concerns. "That’s an important stat," Harrison stressed, highlighting the need for mechanisms ensuring women not only feel safe reporting grievances but also see them addressed effectively.

One of the primary objectives for WIF is the advocacy for policies aimed at enhancing diversity and inclusion within football. Harrison advocates for the implementation of codes of practice under the Independent Football Regulator, positing the need for set targets, with a suggestion of aiming for at least 30% representation of women at board levels. "The goal is obviously 50-50 representation, but many organizations are still far off from even 30%, so it gives them a target," she explained, emphasizing the importance of diversity for innovation and effectiveness.

Harrison’s insights underlined the necessity for transparency within recruitment processes. She believes open recruitment will not only help bring the best candidates forward but will also encourage organizations to become more inclusive. "You want the best minds and different ways of thinking around the board table," she stated, pointing out the benefits of diverse perspectives.

For those within the football community who are passionate about gender equality, Harrison extended an invitation: "If you care about gender equality and genuinely want to make a difference within football then it’s free to join our organization. We can support and accelerate change." WIF prides itself on representing over 10,000 women who are committed to reforming the sport.

The conversation around gender issues isn't just isolated to WIF. For many, the acknowledgment of sexism and misogyny within football is just the beginning of what needs to be addressed. The challenge lies not only in recognizing the problem but also in taking deliberate action to reshape the culture of the sport. With organizations like WIF advocating for these changes, the hope is to create a football environment where women can thrive, unimpeded by discrimination.

Football's complex relationship with gender equality continues to evolve, but as discussions grow more prominent and influential voices step up, there’s optimism for systemic change. "It’s about bringing these conversations to the forefront," Harrison remarked, echoing the sentiments of many advocates seeking to redefine the footballing sphere.

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