Today : Sep 20, 2024
U.S. News
19 September 2024

Florida Sheriff Stirs Debate On Naming School Threats

Community grapples with rising school shooting threats and controversial responses from law enforcement

Florida Sheriff Stirs Debate On Naming School Threats

TALLAHASSEE, Fla. — Across the United States, communities are grappling with heightened anxiety prompted by a spate of school shooting threats. Recent reports indicate these threats have surged alarmingly, inching parents to the edge of fear every time their children head to school. The tragic memories of past mass shootings, like those at Parkland and Sandy Hook, loom large, leaving many to wonder: could their town be next?

One sheriff, Mike Chitwood of Volusia County, is taking matters personally. He recently shared his own experience of receiving notifications about threats as he escorted his grandchildren to school. "How many parents like me have done what I just did and never get to hold their loved one again?" he remarked, clearly disturbed by the gravity of the situation.

Frustrated by the alarming rate of threats, Chitwood has made his stance clear: he will publicly identify students accused of making such threats. This approach took shape when he shared the name and mugshot of an 11-year-old boy, Carlo “Kingston” Dorelli, who was arrested for allegedly threatening to carry out a school shooting. The decision was met with mixed reactions, resulting in both praise and criticism amid the national discourse on gun violence.

Just two days later, the sheriff posted another video on social media showcasing two additional students, aged 16 and 17, being taken away handcuffed for their alleged involvement in yet another threat. "Go talk to the families who have lost someone to school shootings. Do you think this is funny?" he asked, generating significant online attention.

The initial video featuring Dorelli depicted the boy being led from a squad car, interspersed with footage of airsoft guns and fake ammunition allegedly found at his home. These visuals added to the controversy, especially since he was so young.

Chitwood voiced his concerns about rising threats; since the start of the school year, there have been over 280 reported threats — already nearing last year’s total of 352. He strongly questions the involvement of parents, stating, "Where are the parents? Something has to be done!" This resonates throughout Volusia County, where many are beginning to share their outrage.

Under Florida law, juvenile court records are usually confidential; the public typically does not get to hear about minors accused of crimes. Nonetheless, exceptions exist for cases deemed severe enough. Chitwood believes his actions to publicly identify kids making threats are warranted, emphasizing the right to do so due to the safety concerns of the greater community.

Responses to Chitwood’s firm tactics have diverged. Although some support the public naming of offenders such as Dorelli, others worry it may unintentionally inspire more children to make threats for attention. Alvaro Jimenz, a Chicago parent, commented, "Parents already know the magnitude of this problem. We don’t need more media focus on these kids." Others echo sentiments about the need to understand why kids make these threats rather than simply labeling them as criminals.

On the other hand, Max Schachter — whose son was murdered during the Parkland shooting — stands firmly behind Chitwood. "We had gotten too complacent with threats. It’s time to hold accountable those who instigate these terrorizing situations." Schachter emphasizes the need for parents to be responsible for their children’s actions.

The sheriff's call to accountability extends beyond just students. He’s also considering the potential liability for parents of children who make threats. Following previous convictions involving parents of school shooters like Jennifer and James Crumbley, who were sentenced for involuntary manslaughter due to their son's actions, this issue has gained traction. Their case is asking about the extent to which parents should be held responsible for their child’s behavior.

Outside Florida, similar issues emerge. Prosecutors have recently charged the father of a 14-year-old boy involved in another school shooting, amplifying the conversation about holding parents accountable nationally.

Despite the calls for action, another layer complicates the issue: the youth mental health crisis. Keri Rodrigues, president of the National Parents Union, asserts the real priority should be improving access to mental health support for children experiencing crises. "We need more social workers and psychologists at schools. It’s hard for parents to navigate this without proper help," she argues, highlighting societal gaps affecting today’s youth.

Herein lies the dilemma: balancing the need for safety and accountability against the backdrop of juvenile privacy rights and the growing mental health crisis among youth. Conditions prompting behaviors such as making threats warrant serious consideration — including how children are treated at home and their broader social environments.

Parents like Kathleen Miksits, who kept her children home after their school faced threats, express mixed emotions about the young boys who find themselves at the center of such high-profile cases. "Kids say things they don’t mean, or don’t realize the weight of their words. But, it remains serious; kids are dying over these matters. We need to find the middle ground, where we protect everyone and address the root causes too."

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