Bangkinang Kota – A flood recently devastated Kampar Regency, Indonesia, resulting from the overflowing Kampar River following the opening of the Koto Panjang PLN dam’s gates. The rapid response of the local government and the generosity of the community have been pivotal during this challenging time.
On Monday, March 10, 2025, Sekda Kampar Hambali addressed the media, outlining how the Kampar Regency Government acted quickly to assist the communities affected by the flooding. "Kami sangat mengapresiasi atas pertisipasi beberapa perusahaan yang beroperasi di Kabupaten Kampar juga turut berkontribusi dalam membantu para korban banjir," stated Hambali, emphasizing the supportive role of local businesses.
Several prominent companies stepped up to provide aid by donating rice, including PT. Rantau Agronusa Sejahtera, PT. Anugerah Sawit Sejahtera, PT. Mangga Agro Jaya Unggul, PT. Yuni Bersaudara Sejahtera, and PT. Bumi Lancang Kuning Pusaka. The total assistance from these organizations amounted to 2.3 tons of rice, which was directly distributed to the flood-affected individuals.
Hambali expressed gratitude for the contributions made by these companies, noting, "Bantuan ini sangat berarti bagi mereka yang saat ini tengah berjuang menghadapi dampak dari bencana ini. Pemerintah Kabupaten Kampar akan terus berkoordinasi untuk memastikan semua bantuan tersalurkan dengan baik," he continued, highlighting the importance of continued support for the communities grappling with the aftermath of the disaster.
The Kampar Regency Government is not only focused on immediate relief efforts but is also monitoring the situation closely. They are prepared to coordinate with additional partners to anticipate any future flood impacts and guarantee the delivery of continued assistance until normal conditions are restored.
The infrastructure and humanitarian efforts are central to mitigating damage and supporting those who have suffered due to this flooding. The sense of community and the swift action from both the government and local businesses serve as testaments to the resilience of the people of Kampar Regency.
The hope remains strong as the local government, alongside numerous benefactors, strives to bring aid to the victims and help the community get back on its feet. All stakeholders are working together to navigate the path toward recovery, demonstrating how solidarity can alleviate the burden inflicted by nature’s unforeseen challenges.