On December 15, the acclaimed NHK Taiga drama "Hikaru Kimi e" reaches its grand finale, celebrated with public viewings and engaging talks with the show's stars. The event took place at the Biwako Otsu Prince Hotel, featuring prominent cast members Yuki Takahashi as Murasaki Shikibu and Yu Emoto as Fujiwara no Michinaga.
Approximately 950 lucky attendees were selected from over 26,000 applicants, having secured their place through intense competition — nearly 28 times the odds. Speaking to the audience, Takahashi expressed her elation: "The energy from the fans is incredible! Wrapped up in everyone’s enthusiasm, I feel incredibly excited myself!" She shared her gratitude to Emoto, adding, "I'm really glad he played Michinaga, and I owe my experience as 'Mahiro' to him. It’s hard to believe today is finally here, but I hope you can all enjoy the finale many times over tonight!"
Emoto echoed her sentiments during the event. "I was completely surprised by the energy of the audience! It was wonderful to see their responses after watching the finale. Yesterday, we visited places like Mii-dera and Hiyoshi Taisha. Today, we paid respect at Ishiyama-dera. It was my first visit there, but its main hall and the large stone before it felt as if they were dramatic sets — really stunning!"
Their visit to Ishiyama-dera was particularly moving. Takahashi noted, “People visiting the shrine called out our character names, 'Mahiro!' and 'Michinaga!' — it made me realize how deeply the story of 'Hikaru Kimi e' has immersed viewers.”
The series, scripted by Shizuka Oishi, is the 63rd installment of NHK's historical dramas and takes place amid the elegant Heian aristocratic society. It tells the story of Murasaki Shikibu, who later authored the world’s oldest known novel, "The Tale of Genji." The finale, titled "Beyond the Story," airs tonight, December 15, at 8 p.m. on NHK General, extended by 15 minutes for dramatic effect.
Takahashi fondly reminisced about her time filming, saying, "We had rare shooting experiences like playing the biwa on a boat moving across Lake Biwa, creating lovely memories of our time here. I was thrilled to visit Ishiyama-dera today with Emoto. It's been quite the shooting period, but it was rewarding. I appreciate how Emoto kept things calm and pleasant throughout filming. I can’t express how grateful I am to him for his support!"
Emoto also expressed appreciation, saying, “I want to return the favor to Takahashi! Working alongside her was always enjoyable, and I consistently felt calm and enriched, thanks to her. It's hard to believe the adventure of 'Hikaru Kimi e' ends after one and half years of filming, but I hope everyone continues to enjoy the finale.”
The series concludes with the powerful storytelling of not only the life of Murasaki Shikibu but also of the majestic Heian period itself. Oishi’s writing has weaved together vibrant characters and experiences from this historically significant era, bridging the gap between past and present for viewers.
Takahashi and Emoto's appearances during the event not only celebrated the series' success but also helped convey the passionate connection between the cast and the audience throughout its filming. Fans, though sad to see it end, were reminded of the beauty and depth of the stories brought to life over these months.
With this celebration, NHK effectively marked the conclusion of