GROSSETO – This year’s edition of the Festa della Toscana is set to explore the rich history of innovation and genius as it embraces the theme “Toscana: terra di genio e di innovazione.” Scheduled to take place on March 28, 2025, at 10:00 AM, the event will be held at Sala Pegaso within the Palazzo della Provincia of Grosseto. Organized by Isgrec, the festival aims to present various stories of individuals, ideas, and innovations deeply rooted across Tuscany and the Maremma, linking local achievements to the global narrative.
Notable figures such as the radio physicist Mario Dario Grossi, physicist Oreste Piccioni, and the influential entrepreneurs Ferdinando Innocenti, Giovan Battista, Archimede, Talete, and Antonio Cosimini will be honored during the event. All of these individuals hail from Grosseto, and they have significantly impacted both science and technology.
One of the highlights of the conference, titled “Dal locale al globale. La Maremma esporta genio e innovazione,” will feature Eloisa Azzaro, the director of the Archivio di Stato di Grosseto, alongside engineer Antonio Cosimini. They will discuss “I Cosimini. Al servizio della meccanizzazione e dell’innovazione agraria italiana,” emphasizing the Cosimini family’s role within Italian agricultural mechanization and innovation.
Adding to the discourse, Ilaria Giannetti, contemporary construction historian from the University of Tor Vergata, will present on “Ferdinando Innocenti. La rivoluzionaria invenzione del tubo-giunto.” Giannetti's insights promise to shed light on Innocenti’s revolutionary contributions to engineering, particularly through the invention of the joinable tube.
Further discussions will include presentations from Adele La Rana, a historian of physics from the University of Macerata, who will discuss “Oreste Piccioni. Breve storia di un genio ribelle e della particella che nessuno aspettava.” La Rana's presentation will provide insights on Piccioni’s unique contributions to physics and his rebellious spirit.
Andrea Luschi, author of “Un secolo nello spazio. La straordinaria eredità di Mario Grossi,” will speak about the pivotal role Grossi played in space exploration and his lasting legacy within this field. His work serves as an inspiration for future generations and emphasizes the global significance of Italian innovation.
Information and reservations for school classes interested in attending the event can be made by contacting Isgrec via email at [email protected] or by calling 0564.415219.