On February 21, 2024, the Tokyo premiere for the much-anticipated film "Bokura wa Jinsei de Ikkai dake Mahou ga Tsukaeru" took place, showcasing the combined talents of FANTASTICS member Yusei Yagi and fellow actors Yuuki Ueno and Kaito Sakurai during the completion event. Directed by Makoto Kimura, this film presents audiences with the fascinating tale of Akito, played by Yagi, who along with his friends from a small village learns they can use magic just once before turning 20. This rule becomes the backdrop for their adventures and challenges as they navigate their teenage years and decide how to best utilize their magical opportunity.
The story taps deep emotional currents, drawing from the script of Osamu Suzuki, who recently announced his retirement from screenwriting and production roles. It has been noted as one of his final projects before stepping away from the industry. After starting originally as a reading drama back in 2019, the project has been reimagined and finally adapted to film for the first time.
At the completion event, Yagi expressed his gratitude and reflections on taking up such a pivotal role. “I wanted to portray my character, who has such strong beliefs and integrity, with absolute clarity. Maintaining the quality of performance was incredibly important to me,” he shared. The atmosphere during filming was described as light and supportive. With cast members all being of the same generation, they quickly bonded over shared interests, laughter, and nostalgic references.
Also present was Sakurai, who made light of the situation, humorously recounting their leisure time together during the project. "We stumbled across each other at the hotel sauna during our two-night shoot," he chuckled, referencing their spontaneous and relaxed camaraderie.
Another intriguing segment of the event involved the cast answering hypothetical questions related to the film's premise about using magic. Yagi recalled, "If I could use magic only once... I might choose to have infinite moments to crack my fingers." Meanwhile, actor Tsubaki Taiga from the group IMP. had his own whimsical take, wishing he could reverse time and change past choices during his youth.
Sakurai, who reflected on his path to acting after initially pursuing music, faced significant turning points due to the COVID-19 pandemic. He candidly shared how lockdowns disrupted his aspirations, leading him to seize acting opportunities accordingly. “It was this single job offer during the pandemic which shifted my entire course,” he reminisced.
The film's narrative is deeply rooted within village traditions where boys receive the distinct opportunity to use magic only once as they approach adulthood. The story artfully captures the ensuing curiosity and contemplative mindset of the young boys as they grapple with the significance of this singular magical chance.
Gathered together for this special event, the team displayed musical performances, improvisation, and self-reflective humor symbolizing their shared experiences behind the scenes.
Having expressed their genuine excitement, director Makoto Kimura hopes this film resonates with viewers, encapsulating the spirit of youth and adventure intertwined with the magical realism drawing audiences ever closer.
The film is set to release on February 21, 2024, and both cast and crew are eager to share this heartfelt story with the world.