The highly anticipated finale of the beloved British sitcom Gavin & Stacey aired on Christmas Day, culminating 17 years of laughter and nostalgia for its dedicated fanbase. Drawing 12.5 million viewers, the special not only reunited many cherished characters but also sparked conversations about one notable absence: Dick Powell, played by Gwynfor Roberts.
Fans had been eagerly waiting to see what would happen after the cliffhanger from the 2019 special, which ended with Nessa proposing to Smithy. The finale kicked off with what appeared to be another wedding, but plot twists revealed the character Smithy was set to marry his girlfriend Sonia, leaving viewers stunned. Despite this unexpected turn, the presence of familiar faces, such as Russell Tovey's Budgie and Sheridan Smith's Rudi, delighted the audience.
Yet, amid all the joy and closure, many viewers were left scratching their heads over the absence of Dick Powell, the show’s only Welsh-speaking character, who first appeared selling stolen goods to the group. Expecting to see him, especially with speculation surrounding Gwen's new boyfriend, fans were disappointed to find out he didn’t feature at all.
Social media buzzed with reactions. One viewer wrote, "Gwen and Dave Coaches! I’m not going to recover from the shocker. Thought it might have been the mystery man Dick Powell, but how wrong can you be?" Another lamented, "I thought of Pete, Dick Powell, and Owain Hughes before I thought of Dave Coaches." Such sentiments reflected the affection held for Dick Powell, who, though having appeared only briefly, left his mark on the series.
Co-creator and actress Ruth Jones addressed Powell’s omission at a press conference, explaining, "I think, in the original script, we had Dick Powell. There just wasn’t room for him, God bless him." This sentiment echoed throughout the fan community as many felt there simply wasn’t enough time to properly include all characters. The emotional connection fans had to the ensemble cast demonstrated the show’s heavy reliance on interpersonal dynamics and memorable guest appearances.
That nostalgia was palpable as the finale brought back most of the original cast, but the heartfelt moment of reunion was somewhat marred by Powell's exclusion. The show has always celebrated its quirky characters, and Powell, as the cheeky local trader, was no exception. His absence felt particularly poignant as viewers wanted resolution for every character's storyline.
Gavin and Stacey's finale received rave reviews, hailed by many viewers as "perfect" and "satisfying". The episode was not without its own plot twists, including the unforeseen marriage rejection by Smithy who initially seemed set to marry Sonia. Instead, Smithy took the plunge and chased Nessa, leading to one of the more unexpected conclusions fans had anticipated.
The emotional rollercoaster of the final episode was encapsulated by Ruth Jones’ expression of gratitude toward the devoted audience. "I’m feeling drained. It was so lovely to watch it with the crowd. I hope we did you proud," she shared during the screening. Co-creator James Corden noted the thrill of crafting the episode's intense opening, tricking viewers initially for dramatic effect.
For many viewers, the finale was filled with warmth and humor, fan-favorite character arcs were resolved, and yet Dick Powell's absence lingered heavy on the hearts of passionate fans. They longed to see how he would have interacted with aging characters and the changes they had undergone over the years. Fans had always described him as the 'Del Boy' of Barry, known for his dodgy dealings and charm.
The special also featured light-hearted moments during the wedding scene, where some extras took it upon themselves to engage with the cast, causing laughter as righteousness broke the fictional fourth wall. To many, this spontaneity reflected the community spirit which Gavin & Stacey had always embraced, adding layers to the already nostalgic episode.
All said and done, the finale offered laughter, tears, and closure, touching on unresolved arcs and concluding with relationships solidified. While the exclusion of Dick Powell was certainly felt, the reunion of most of the cast managed to send fans off with fond memories and undeniable warmth.
With all its quirks and surprises, Gavin & Stacey delivered one last gift to its fans on Christmas Day, wrapping up one of Britain’s favorite sitcoms with affection. The legacy of the show will undoubtedly live on, leaving fans reminiscing about the times and tales shared within the quirky Welsh and English juxtaposition.