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World News
30 September 2024

Extrajudicial Killings Surge Over Blasphemy Claims In Pakistan

Recent deaths reveal severe consequences of blasphemy accusations as mob violence escalates

Two men have tragically lost their lives this month due to extrajudicial killings linked to blasphemy accusations in Pakistan, shedding light on the alarming volatility of the country's religious environment. This situation raises pressing questions about police involvement and the broader interplay between law and mob justice.

Reports indicate at least eight individuals alleged to have committed blasphemy have been killed outside of legal proceedings this year, predominantly at the hands of mobs, often with little to no intervention from authorities, emphasizing the growing trend of vigilante justice. The blasphemy laws, originating from Pakistan’s colonial past, have morphed over the years, morphing society's fear of ostracism and violence around even the slightest suggestion of disrespect toward Islam.

The deep-seated power of these accusations is reflected most grimly in the case of Nawaz, who sought police protection after being charged. According to his family, Nawaz voluntarily turned himself over to authorities in Sindh province, hoping to avert the increasingly grim outcomes faced by others who had met similar fates. Yet, his hopes quickly evaporated. Following his death, as his family attempted to quietly bury him on their land during nighttime, they were met with violence; armed and enraged mobs chased them away, seized the body, and set it ablaze.

Meanwhile, another incident involving Ali has emerged, describing how he was fatally shot by a police officer who had disguised himself as a relative to gain access to the station. This act raises alarming concerns about the faith citizens can place in law enforcement and reveals troubling signs of complicity between police and mob actions. Following the shooting, Ali's family shared disturbing accounts of how the officer's relatives received visitors who glorified the crime, painting a grim picture of societal attitudes toward blasphemy and violence.

While no executions for blasphemy have been carried out officially, Pakistan’s atmosphere, charged with fear and mutual suspicion, turns accusations quickly fatal. The last few years have seen this dynamic escalate, with blasphemy allegations not only leading to legal troubles but, more significantly, endangering lives. For many, the law is less about justice and more about survival.

The roots of blasphemy laws can be traced back to colonial times. Enforcements intensified post-1980s when the laws were politicized, transforming them from tools of control to weapons wielded by mobs for vengeance or to settle scores. Since then, the charge of blasphemy has been deployed against various individuals, including religious minorities and even fellow Muslims, hinting at the law’s use as both social leverage and political strategy.

This situation finds resonance on International Blasphemy Rights Day, observed on September 30, which aims to bring awareness to global blasphemy laws affecting individual freedoms and rights, serving as a reminder of the oppressive systems alive and well worldwide. Organized and supported by the Center for Inquiry since 2009, this day advocates for the decriminalization of such laws to protect freedom of expression without fear of persecution, stressing the importance of upholding individuals’ rights to question and criticize societal norms founded on religion.

The data surrounding blasphemy is alarming. According to varying reports, over 1,500 individuals have faced blasphemy charges throughout Pakistan over the last three decades, and more than 70 countries have blasphemy laws on their books. The severity and enforcement of these laws vary dramatically, but Pakistan is noted for having the second-strictest regulations after Iran.

Scrutiny of blasphemy laws exposes the subtlety and tragic reality intertwined within accusations. When blasphemy is alleged, the accused often find themselves alienated, facing social ostracism and fear. Psychological affects resonate deeply within communities; accusations disrupt social bonds and instigate mutual distrust among neighbors, friends, and families.

This dread is amplified against wider societal tensions, particularly religious and ethnic fanaticism. Mobs often act first; taking the law—and lives—into their hands. Several attempts have been made over the years to reform blasphemy laws, but those efforts rarely gain traction due to fear of backlash from the religious groups shielded by lawmakers, illustrating the deep-rooted entanglement of politics and religion.

Undeniably, blasphemy remains one of the most contentious issues Pakistan grapples with, engendering constant debate among policymakers and social advocates. Critics advocate for significant legal reforms, calling for the abolition of vague laws—reflecting more on personal biases than collective morality—that can incite mob violence.

But reform faces staunch resistance; many view blasphemy laws as pillars of religious integrity, protective of dominant Islamic narratives and more broadly, societal values.

The events recently witnessed reveal not only the perils facing those accused of blasphemy but also spotlight the systemic failures within law enforcement and governance which, rather than protecting citizens, plant the seeds of fear and chaos. The recent extrajudicial killings stand as grim symbols of Pakistan's wider conflict between law, justice, and deeply held religious beliefs, echoing sentiments around the haunting question: when does belief transform from personal faith to public peril?

The spiraling trend of extrajudicial killings due to blasphemy allegations raises serious concerns, putting immediate legal authority, social cohesion, and Pakistan's future at risk. Protection of individuals’ rights, ensuring accountable law enforcement, and addressing the sociopolitical intricacies surrounding beliefs have become imperative to reversing this violent tide. Until significant steps are made toward reform and social dialogue, the prospect for realistic change remains grim, leaving countless lives hanging precariously on the edge of accusation.

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