Eugenio Derbez, the beloved Mexican actor and comedian, has recently shared his strong distaste for the generic New Year's greetings inundated on social media. While he revels in the cherished moments spent with family during the festive season, he found it necessary to voice his reservations just before the dawn of 2025.
Derbez took to social media to express his reluctance toward the customary well-wishing messages. “Feliz año. inicia un nuevo año, termina otro. Yo les quiero desear de todo corazón que este 31 de diciembre no reciban ningún mensaje,” he stated, urging his followers to reconsider the value of authenticity during the holiday season. The actor pointed out how many of these messages lack sincerity, making them feel more like copy-pasted sentiments rather than heartfelt expressions of goodwill.
The actor is not entirely dismissive of New Year's greetings; he acknowledges there are instances of genuine intent. “Ya nos la sabemos, y nos quitan mucho tiempo. Luego no conviven con la familia por estar respondiendo a cada uno de los que mandan eso,” he continued, reflecting on how pre-written messages detract from valuable time spent with loved ones.
Derbez openly expressed his desire for people to connect more meaningfully with family members during this special time. His underlying message champions the importance of being present with those physically around rather than being glued to devices managing social media obligations. “Mi deseo es que conecten con la familia, con quienes están presentes, y dejen de estar contestándole a cada uno,” he said, calling for more focus on personal interactions over digital commitments.
Joining him was his partner, Alessandra Rosaldo, who offered her own cheerful wishes for the New Year, encouraging everyone to embrace the spirit of the occasion. “Pásenla increíble y que el 2025 sea un año maravilloso para todos,” she remarked, focusing on positivity for the coming year.
The holidays for the Derbez family were full of joy, as they gathered together, including children from their previous marriages. Aislinn, one of Eugenio’s children, shared via Instagram details about their family celebrations. “La familia pasó Nochebuena y Navidad en México,” she recounted, affirming the bond the family shares during these moments. The family had traveled from Los Angeles to Mexico for the holidays, joining José Eduardo, the only family member who resides there full-time.
These insights from the Derbez family shine a light on how some celebrities seek to redefine holiday traditions, pushing for more intimate gatherings over obligatory messages. By sharing their views, they encourage fans to reflect on their own practices during this festive season.
Their perspectives can prompt broader societal discussions about how greetings can often stray away from meaning, diluting the genuine warmth of wishing someone well during the New Year. With the pace of modern life and digital communication, Derbez's call to action couldn't be more timely.
It's evident the Derbez family wishes for everyone to embrace this holiday season thoughtfully. By valuing personal connections over impersonal messages without substance, they set forth intentions for more meaningful interactions, inviting others to join them on this path of sincerity.