Thủ Đức City, located within Ho Chi Minh City, is preparing for the entrance exams for Grade 6 students, marking yet another competitive year for aspiring young learners. This upcoming examination, governed by specific regulations set forth by the local Department of Education and Training, promises to be notable not only for its rigorous requirements but also for the significant interest it has generated among school-age children and their families.
Starting from the 2025-2026 academic year, three prominent middle schools—Trường Trung học cơ sở Trần Quốc Toản 1, Trường Trung học cơ sở Hoa Lư, and Trường Trung học cơ sở Bình Thọ—will implement these exams to select approximately 840 students for their Grade 6 classes. Each of these schools boasts advanced educational models and is well-equipped to offer high-quality training to its students, ensuring rigorous academic standards are maintained.
According to the local education authority, students wishing to enroll must meet specific criteria. Notably, applicants should possess an average score of 9.0 or higher in both Mathematics and Vietnamese at the end of Grade 5. This requirement speaks volumes about the competitive nature of admissions, reflecting the desirability of these institutions among potential students.
The entrance examination itself will consist of two main parts. The first section will feature multiple-choice questions, comprising 20 questions focused on English language comprehension, natural sciences, social sciences, and general knowledge. This marks a slight shift from previous years, where students were also assessed using the Vietnamese language. The second section will consist of written assessments evaluating the students' capabilities across several domains: English reading and writing skills, mathematical reasoning and logic, as well as reading comprehension and writing proficiency in Vietnamese.
The assessments are projected to take place around mid-June 2025, with each school acting as its own examination center. Students must apply to only one school of their choice to take the entrance exam; their results will not be transferable between schools. Those who do not secure admission will have the opportunity to enroll at another public school within their area of residence.
This form of competency-based admission has gained traction over recent years, with local authorities opting to expand the option for several high-demand schools across Ho Chi Minh City. Notably, aside from the aforementioned institutions, other schools such as Trường Trung học cơ sở Nguyễn Hữu Thọ (located in District 7), Trường Trung học cơ sở Nguyễn An Khương (in Hóc Môn District), and Trường Trung học cơ sở-Trung học phổ thông Trần Đại Nghĩa (District 1) will also adopt similar examination practices to assess potential Grade 6 students.
According to officials from the Department of Education and Training, this method not only helps gauge the students' readiness for advanced academic challenges but also allows schools to allocate limited spaces more efficiently. The competitive nature of these schools leads to more applicants than available spots, reinforcing the need for such thorough assessments.
“We believe this process will give students from diverse backgrounds the chance to showcase their abilities,” noted an official from the education department, emphasizing the commitment to inclusivity and educational advancement.
Aside from laying out prerequisites for academic performance, the structure of the exam itself is indicative of modern educational philosophies aiming to nurture well-rounded individuals capable of thriving both academically and within society. The shift to include questions on social sciences and practical knowledge demonstrates the schools' commitment to producing informed and capable citizens for the future.
Parents and guardians are encouraged to support their children as they prepare for these significant assessments, knowing the outcomes will greatly influence their educational paths. With high student-to-teacher ratios maintained at these schools, capped at 35 students per class, parents can expect personalized attention and quality education, characteristics valued greatly by families seeking the best for their children.
Given the intensity and prestige associated with these exams, the educational community is poised for what promises to be another challenging yet rewarding year. Aspirants are reminded to apply timely and remain abreast of any updates from the respective schools to navigate the registration and examination processes smoothly. The path to academic success is never easy, but for those determined to thrive, the opportunities at these esteemed schools can set the foundation for their future achievements.