The long-awaited Christmas finale of Gavin & Stacey aired on December 25, leaving fans across the nation jubilant as Smithy (James Corden) and Nessa (Ruth Jones) finally tied the knot. The unexpected twists leading up to this moment delighted viewers, particularly with Smithy’s romantic proposal at Southampton docks, sealing his love for Nessa against the backdrop of their shared history.
Throughout the episode, the bait-and-switch plotline had audiences on tenterhooks. Initially, Smithy was set to marry Sonia (Laura Aikman), whom many fans had come to dislike. The reveal shocked those who had tuned in only to find Smithy preparing for the wedding of his less-favored fiancée. Smithy gasped during the ceremony when his best mate Gavin (Mathew Horne) intervened, imploring him to reconsider marrying Sonia. Amid the bells and preparations, Nessa was en route to depart on her boat tour, prompting the whole cast to make a mad dash to the docks prior to her departure.
James Corden, who co-wrote the finale, shared the origin of the bait-and-switch idea: "I had this idea at like three o'clock in the morning... I wonder if we could trick everybody... It was lovely to hear the collective gasp when Sonia was revealed.” This concept was brought to life through Corden's infectious enthusiasm, which unfolded during his conversations with co-creator Ruth Jones as ideas lent themselves seamlessly to each character's emotional arcs.
The episode culminated with Smithy’s heartwarming marriage proposal to Nessa, totaling up years of yearning. With the words, "Five years ago on Christmas Day, you asked me a question and I didn’t answer you... Will you marry me?" Smithy poured his heart onto the docks, creating one of the most memorable moments of the series. The emotional resonance felt palpable as Corden reflected, "It was probably the most emotional film set I’ve ever been on and it was kind of wonderful." The proposal instilled joy not just for the characters involved, but for fans who had yearned for this resolution for years.
Ruth Jones, reflecting on her character's dynamic with Smithy, expressed the intention behind the full-circle moment, saying, "I hope we did you proud." Ensuring audience satisfaction was no easy task, especially for beloved characters who had been on this adventurous ride since 2007. And so, the episode echoed nostalgia with emotional scenes recalling their earlier humorous and heartfelt outings. When Smithy’s son Neil surprised the audience with his moving rendition of The Beatles' Blackbird, it had viewers reflecting on the themes of family and growth.
The finale not only closed the chapter on Smithy and Nessa but also delivered significant moments for other fan-favorite characters. Fans celebrated as Gavin finally aired the group’s misgivings about Smithy's impending marriage. Larry Lamb, who plays Gavin’s father Mick, shared, "I do not think I can everremember being so moved by something," highlighting the collective sentiment felt on-set and among viewers.
Behind-the-scenes, the final days of filming were nearly as emotional as the episodes themselves, culminating in the cast sharing laughter and nostalgia surrounding some unexpected moments. Corden revealed, with laughter, how originally planned airport scenes were scrapped due to logistical issues. Instead, the proposal occurred at the docks, where Nessa was to begin her maritime adventure. Jones elaborated, "We were always on the lookout for cameras, because it was so important — the image of James down on one knee didn't leak out before the episode aired.”
Another moment celebrated was the infamous fishing trip involving characters Bryn (Rob Brydon) and Jason (Robert Wilfort). Audiences anticipated the reveal of the trip's secret throughout the series, but true to form, the finale didn’t divulge the truth. "I’d like to say now and forever, the joke has always been you don’t find out what happens on the fishing trip," Wilfort stated, solidifying the mystery as one of the show’s enduring comedic elements.
Embracing nostalgia, the show concluded with scenes of the cast gathered at the pub. Yet again, there was no shortage of poignant wraps, laughter ringing throughout the set, illustrating the camaraderie among cast and crew members who had dedicated almost two decades to Gavin & Stacey. Corden concluded the series with pride, stating, "It was a wonderful way to close it all out. I’m very proud of what we’ve made." Coupled with the semi-unscripted moments shared during the filming, it created celebrations authentically reminiscent of real-life weddings, delighting fans even more.
Through the microcosm of Smithy and Nessa's wedding and the closing montage of friendship and connections, the Gavin & Stacey finale served as both closure and the promise of warm laughter for years to come. The series may have concluded, but its legacy will remain cherished well beyond the television screen.