Emilie Vansteenkiste, the former Miss Belgium, has embarked on the search for her first home, featured on the popular television show Huizenjagers. Alongside her boyfriend Jonas, the couple is eager to find their own space after living with Emilie's grandparents for over four years. "We have been together for over four years, so it's time for our own place," Emilie shared, highlighting their readiness for this new chapter of their lives.
The search takes place in Dijleland, a picturesque region of Flemish Brabant encompassing the area around Leuven. Jonas chimed in, expressing, "We are searching for a place where the three of us, including our dog Isa, can be happy," emphasizing their desire for a home conducive to family life.
The latest season of Huizenjagers kicked off last week with its traditional 'miljoenenweek,' yet Emilie chuckled when recalling her initial invitation to participate. "They first asked us for the millions week, which made me laugh," she recalled. The couple intends to secure a cozy home where they can create new memories together.
Other participants of this season include Glenn and Soraya, who are searching for ample living space and at least three bedrooms within 45 minutes of Brussels, with a budget of €415,000. Another couple, Jan and Mireille, are on the lookout for properties suitable for tango practice, hoping to find their ideal home around Heverlee, with a budget of €650,000.
Kevin and Karlien recently tied the knot and share ambitions of starting their family soon. They're seeking an open-plan house with garden space, ideally located on the outskirts of Leuven, with plans to invest around €425,000. Each couple on the show has unique requirements and aspirations, reflecting diverse lifestyles and needs within the housing market.
Through the lens of Huizenjagers, viewers are treated to not only the real estate aspect but also the personal stories of love and growth from the participating couples. Emilie and Jonas's house hunt serves as a heartwarming narrative showcasing their determination to carve out their own space.
With excitement buzzing around the show, many are curious about whether Emilie and Jonas will find their dream home, and how the other buyers' journeys will conclude. The search for the ideal home is not just about the physical structure but also about creating the right environment for emotional and personal fulfillment, something all the couples participating on Huizenjagers strive for.