Today : Mar 16, 2025
Arts & Culture
14 March 2025

Elsa Bois And Florent Manaudou Ignite Romance Rumors After Breakup

After splitting from Michou, rumors suggest dancer Elsa Bois has moved on with swimmer Florent Manaudou amid rising public interest.

Rumors surrounding the romantic relationship between "Danse avec les stars" contestants Elsa Bois and Olympic swimmer Florent Manaudou have ignited excitement and speculation among fans since the latest revelations emerged on March 14, 2025. According to the French magazine VOICI, the two have transitioned from dance partners to romantic partners.

Previously, Elsa Bois had been involved with YouTuber Michou, marking their relationship as one of the highlights of the show. The couple officially announced their breakup on February 17, 2025, which shocked their followers who had seen their chemistry blossom over the years.

The magazine has reported, "C’est bel et bien terminé… et comme beaucoup le pressentaient, un autre homme est entré dans sa vie !" indicating the clear stepping aside of Michou as another man enters the screen, referring to Manaudou. Following their last prime on February 28, where the duo showcased their dancing skills, rumors intensified after it was revealed Elsa had spent the night at Florent’s apartment the very evening of their performance.

After weeks of speculation, VOICI contributed more to the narrative by stating, "Après des semaines de rumeurs, voici la preuve : après le dernier prime, Elsa a discrètement rejoint le nageur chez lui… où elle a passé la nuit avant son départ pour Marseille." This quote suggests meaningful time spent between the two before Florent departed for Marseille, where he resides.

The timeline fits neatly, with speculation increasing about their closeness. While the humor and shared laughter during rehearsals have contributed to suspicions of romance, the recent events suggest it is more than just friendly mingling.

Along with the excitement swirling around their alleged romance, there's been criticism directed at Elsa Bois. Many social media responses have turned disparaging, with users making sexist comments about her new relationship. Phrases like "Elsa Bois cramée avec son nouveau mec" and "toutes les mêmes" reflect the negative stereotypes often projected onto women who navigate relationships publicly. Such harassment is deeply troubling and has sparked calls from her supporters to end the online bullying directed at her.

This harassment hasn’t gone unnoticed; fans and advocates alike have rallied behind Bois, demanding more respect for her personal choices and private life. One can only wonder how much impact the public scrutiny can have on her mental health, considering the burden of expectation simmering among admirers and critics alike.

Returning to the more celebratory aspect of the moment, sources close to the two have indicated their longing to be together before the abrupt pause of "Danse avec les stars" due to its overlap with the upcoming concert of the Enfoirés. "Sans doute, ils avaient envie de profiter l’un de l’autre avant le départ de Florent pour Marseille. Ils n’allaient pas se voir pendant une semaine…" suggests the desire to maximize precious moments together before facing potential separation.

With the dance competition gaining traction for both its stellar performances and the accompanying melodrama, fans remain invested not only in the artistry of the show, but also the love lives festering behind the scenes. Such dynamics keep audiences glued to their screens, eager to see if love truly dances offstage as it does on.

Elsa Bois and Florent Manaudou’s rumored relationship has attracted attention, not just for the potential new pairing but also for the way it symbolizes the effects celebrity culture can have entirely beyond the stage. The inevitable romance, public interest, and scrutiny thereof together serve as reminders of the age-old fascination with love lives intertwined with performance arts.