Rejang Lebong, Bengkulu – As Eid al-Fitr 1446 Hijriah approaches, local authorities in Indonesia are ramping up preparations to ensure safety and efficiency during the festivities. The Rejang Lebong Police (Polres Rejang Lebong) have mobilized 119 personnel tasked with overseeing security measures for this significant period. This operation, known as Operation Ketupat Nala 2025, will commence on March 23 and extend through April 8, 2025, ensuring that residents and travelers can enjoy the celebration without fear.
AKP Sinar Simanjuntak, the spokesman for Rejang Lebong Police, explained in a recent interview, "Polres Rejang Lebong saat ini sudah menyiagakan 119 personel untuk pengamanan Lebaran Idul Fitri 1446 Hijriah. Personel yang disiapkan ini berasal dari Polres dan Polsek jajaran." This comprehensive security plan includes establishing five police posts to monitor various strategic locations, including service posts at the popular tourist attractions such as Tebing Suban and Lake Mas Harun Bastari.
The remaining posts, known as Post PAM, will be situated in pivotal areas along Jalan Lintas Curup-Lubuklinggau and within the local communities, ensuring that officers are present throughout Rejang Lebong to maintain order and assist the public. Additional advice has been issued to residents returning home for the holidays, urging them to secure their homes and check necessary utilities to prevent mishaps during the festive season.
In Jakarta, the city is also making adjustments for the surge of holiday traffic, particularly via its public transportation system, TransJakarta. The service announced that it will modify its operating hours during Eid. TransJakarta buses will begin operating at 09:00 WIB on the day of Eid, with a complete halt in services beforehand to allow for the morning prayers. Welfizon Yuza, the president director of PT TransJakarta, noted, "Pagi itu semuanya off khusus untuk ibadah. Jadi tidak ada yang operasi sama sekali. Jam 09.00 WIB baru dimulai lagi layanan." This alteration is designed to accommodate worshippers and reduce operational pressure during peak times.
While TransJakarta will resume normal service hours on the second day of the holiday, traveling public can expect different arrangements as the demand for transportation often dips before and increases following the holiday. Yuza elaborated on this strategy: "Seperti tahun-tahun sebelumnya, kalau sudah dekat Lebaran biasanya kebutuhan demand-nya itu turun. Jadi kita sesuaikan." To manage this, TransJakarta is prepared to reduce the number of buses in operation initially and augment their fleet accordingly during the post-holiday rush, particularly at arrival locations for home-bound travelers.
Additionally, in preparation for the influx of revelers, TransJakarta will increase services to popular tourist spots during the Eid break, facilitating greater access to some of the area’s most cherished attractions.
Simultaneously, the Indonesian government has declared a 16-day holiday for school students ahead of Eid, allowing them to participate in the celebrations with their families. According to a Joint Circular from three ministers, the holiday will run from March 21 to April 8, 2025, encompassing various dates including March 21, 22, and several days from March 24 to April 8. Schools are set to resume classes on April 9.
The announcement of this extended holiday serves not only to provide students time off to celebrate Eid but also highlights the cultural importance of this festive season in Indonesia. It offers families an opportunity to bond and come together during this auspicious time.
As preparations ramp up across the country, both law enforcement and public transport services emphasize the importance of safety and accessibility. Efforts from the Rejang Lebong Police and TransJakarta are pivotal in ensuring that the Eid al-Fitr holiday remains joyous and secure for all, promising a celebration free from concern and full of memorable moments.