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22 March 2025

Dutch Police Conduct Large Training For NATO Summit

The Mobile Unit prepares for potential protests during the June NATO gathering in The Hague.

A large police exercise took place on the Walibi grounds in Biddinghuizen on March 21, 2025, as part of preparations for the upcoming NATO summit scheduled for the end of June. The Mobile Unit successfully simulated various potential scenarios in anticipation of this high-profile international event.

The training involved a wide array of law enforcement disciplines, including police dogs, mounted units, and technical teams. Authorities are preparing extensively as they expect significant public demonstrations during the summit, where 45 heads of state and government leaders will convene to discuss global security and strategy.

According to police officials, this exercise was crucial in simulating situations that could arise during the NATO summit, particularly protests that might take place in The Hague on June 24 and 25. A police spokesperson explained, "During such an exercise, we try to replicate situations that may occur during the NATO summit. Think about demonstrations," indicating that proactive measures are essential for maintaining order.

The exercise, characterized by its dynamic and robust practice scenarios, ensures that the Mobile Unit is well-prepared for any eventuality. Galid, a member of the Mobile Unit’s basic unit, emphasized the need for such preparations, noting, "We are practicing different scenarios with various disciplines within the Mobile Unit. Think of the people behind shields, police dogs, police horses, water cannons, and shovels." He further praised the Walibi location for its capacity, stating, "This site offers ample space. We can set up training scenarios with exercise villages, and we can account for both police dogs and horses."

The Walibi site, centrally located in the Netherlands, allows police forces from all over the country to participate in the training, enabling a comprehensive deployment of resources and talents. Many view these exercises as vital, not just for containing potential disturbances but also for ensuring the smooth execution of a summit that has international significance.

Law enforcement agencies are acutely aware of the challenges presented by large gatherings, especially given the wide range of issues on the agendas of the NATO leaders. The upcoming summit is expected to cover a plethora of topics related to global security, alliances, and international collaborations aimed at addressing current crises.

As the June event draws closer, authorities are committed to refining their strategies and methodologies to deal with anticipated protests and other public incidents. This forward-thinking approach is designed not only to mitigate risks but also to foster a climate of safety and security for all attendees, officials, and citizens.

In summary, the police exercise at Walibi signifies a serious commitment to effective preparedness for the NATO summit, underlining the importance of ensuring that both leaders and the public can participate safely in this essential political gathering.