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02 February 2025

Dr. Jimmy Mohamed Reveals Key To Healthy Weight Loss

The health presenter shares his personal insights and upcoming book on nutrition strategies.

Dr. Jimmy Mohamed, the health presenter widely recognized for his engaging discussions on nutrition and wellness, recently opened up about his personal experience with weight loss and his perspectives on healthy eating. Set to release his new book, Je mange bien, je vais bien, on February 5, 2025, the doctor shared significant insights with Le Parisien during an interview on February 1.

After gaining 12 kilos during his wife Souailla's pregnancy—a joint decision they made to 'gain weight together'—Dr. Mohamed embarked on a transformative health plan. He emphasized the pivotal role of intermittent fasting, stating, "La seule chose qui a marché, c’est le jeûne intermittent. Je saute le petit-déjeuner depuis quatre ans. Il n’est pas obligatoire, comme nous l’a fait croire le lobby industriel," which translates to "The only thing that's worked is intermittent fasting. I have skipped breakfast for four years. It's not mandatory, as the industrial lobby has led us to believe."

Mohamed's approach diverged sharply from traditional dietary advice. After finding typical strategies like soups, exercise, and abstaining from sugar unsuccessful, he turned to scientific research to guide his transformation. He began paying attention to food labels, becoming acutely aware of the nutritional value of what he consumed, and noted, "C'est en changeant radicalement mes habitudes alimentaires" (It was by radically changing my eating habits) to achieve his goals.

At the heart of Mohamed's philosophy is the belief there's no need for dietary restriction to maintain good health. He openly stated, "Je ne m’interdis rien, surtout pas le flan de la boulangerie, mon grand kif," or "I don’t forbid myself anything, especially not the flan from the bakery, my great pleasure." His insights reflect the notion of balancing enjoyment with nutrition.

Alongside his weight loss strategy, the doctor also debunked misconceptions surrounding certain foods. He remarked, "L’huile d’olive, par exemple, c’est du gras qui protège contre les maladies cardiovasculaires!" or "Olive oil, for example, is fat which protects against cardiovascular diseases!" This highlights his approach to promoting foods previously thought to be harmful, illustrating his commitment to improving public health.

Dr. Mohamed’s book aims to address common anxieties surrounding food, providing readers with practical advice on how to eat well without guilt. He engages with the idea of pleasure and indulgence as part of healthy living, saying, "L’alimentation ne doit pas devenir une punition, mais un moment de plaisir et de convivialité," which translates as "Nutrition shouldn't become punishment, but rather should be enjoyable and sociable."

His commitment to healthy eating is evident not only through his personal choices but also through the influence of his wife, Souailla. Her background as a nutritionist has significantly impacted their family's dietary habits. Mohamed described her role saying, "Elle a cette formation qui nous permet de manger équilibré sans renoncer au plaisir," meaning "She has this training which allows us to eat balanced without renouncing pleasure."

The couple enjoys cooking together, focusing on Mediterranean dishes and traditional recipes—creating meals like homemade couscous and blanquette de veau, which combine both flavor and health. This dynamic approach allows them to maintain their health without compromising on taste.

Reflecting on his past, Dr. Mohamed admitted to having been an avid junk food consumer during his adolescence, which he described as growing up surrounded by what was believed to be quality food options. Today, he exemplifies the shift from indulgence to informed decision-making.

The key message from Mohamed’s discussion is the importance of balance—allowing oneself to enjoy food includes not only healthier choices but also treats. His acknowledgment of dark chocolate as something good for morale aligns with current nutritional findings, citing its magnesium content as beneficial for mental well-being.

For those inspired by Dr. Mohamed’s weight-loss story and nutritional wisdom, his upcoming book promises to be an informative guide for anyone aiming to adopt healthier dietary habits. His philosophy reinforces the idea of enjoying food responsibly—encouraging consumers to make choices rooted not just in fear or guilt but also pleasure and knowledge.

With his innovative approach, Dr. Jimmy Mohamed continues to influence the wellness journeys of many, inviting them to rethink their relationship with food and health.