Hulu has steadily cemented itself as one of the most underrated streaming platforms, especially as it gears up for 2024. What started as the go-to spot for catching up on missed episodes has transformed dramatically over the years. Instead of just serving as the backup option for recent TV shows, Hulu has stepped up its game, releasing original movies and engaging series appealing to diverse audiences. The year 2024 is packed with exciting offerings, making it tough for movie buffs and series lovers to choose where to start.
For many, the whimsy of holiday movies is what really gets them in the spirit of the season. Curling up on the couch beneath blankets, cup of hot cocoa in hand, they chase off the winter chill with feel-good films. Hulu recognizes this and has put together some delightful suggestions just as the holiday season is upon us. With everything from heartwarming tales to laugh-out-loud comedies, there's something to delight every viewer.
On the frontlines of their Christmas roster is the beloved classic, Elf (2003), starring Will Ferrell. The film is all about Buddy, who discovers he’s not actually one of Santa’s elves, leading him on a heartwarming quest to reconnect with his family. It's set to be available for streaming on Hulu starting November 27, just right for holiday movie marathons.
Then, there’s the enchanting animated feature, The Polar Express (2004), which invites viewers aboard the titular train bound for the North Pole. With lessons about friendship and the importance of believing, this film is also joining Hulu’s lineup on November 27. A holiday classic recognized by both kids and adults, it promises to wrap audiences up like their favorite blanket on those cold winter nights.
Another fan-favorite is National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation (1989), which humorously portrays the dysfunctional yet relatable Griswold family as they navigate their chaotic holiday plans. It offers not just nostalgic smiles but also comedic highlights, and it makes its return to Hulu on November 27 as well.
For those who enjoy heart-pounding adventure mixed with comedy, Home Alone (1990) fits the bill. Follow young Kevin McCallister as he outsmarts two robbers after being accidentally left behind when his family travels for the holidays. A great choice for laughs combined with clever antics, it’s available as part of the Disney+ bundle.
Jingle All the Way (1996), featuring Arnold Schwarzenegger on a wild dash to secure the last Turbo Man action figure for his son, is another hilarious entry reflective of the chaotic energy many feel during the holiday rush. With media depicting the often humorous lengths parents will go to, it's definitely worth adding to your watch list.
Shifting gears, fans of original content will be thrilled to know about the new Nutcrackers (2024), joining Hulu’s offerings this holiday season. The film focuses on Mike, played by Ben Stiller, who suddenly becomes the guardian of his sister's orphaned children after her tragic passing, prompting adventures full of chuckles and tears.
If you're on the hunt for nostalgic feels, The Santa Clause (1994) is perfect for sharing with the family. It chronicles the fantastical story of how one man unexpectedly becomes Santa after the previous one falls from his roof. This film carries the essence of childhood dreams and is sure to resonate with anyone who believes or once believed.
Moving to more contemporary tales, viewers can enjoy Four Christmases (2008), starring Reese Witherspoon and Vince Vaughn. This comedy tackles the relatable struggle of trying to maintain sanity during family obligations through multiple holiday visits. Audiences will get to follow along as they navigate the highs and lows of what is often dubbed the "most wonderful time of the year."
Finally, A Timeless Christmas (2020) brings forth whimsical romance when a man out of his time has to choose between where he’s from and where his heart leads him. It’s this unique blend of classic holiday cheer and romantic tension paired with the allure of time travel, drawing viewers to ponder the real value of love.
While the holiday-themed films certainly rule Hulu's content, the platform boasts serious contenders within its original TV series lineup. Only Murders in the Building has gained immense popularity as it cleverly intertwines comedy, drama, and suspense through the eyes of three amateur sleuths solving murders within their upscale New York City building. The return of established stars like Steve Martin, Martin Short, and Selena Gomez keeps audiences eagerly awaiting new episodes.
Representing the genre of historical dramas, Shōgun brings James Clavell's literary classic to life, uniquely portraying the cultural clash faced by the European characters and their Japanese counterparts. With visuals capturing Japan’s splendor and conflicts of the period, it ushers viewers straight back to the early 1600s.
Comedy lovers won't want to miss The Bear, which follows chef Carmy Berzatto as he tackles the chaos of running his family's sandwich shop after returning home from culinary school. This delightful series provides insights not just on food but also family dynamics, making it relatable and engaging.
Rounding out Hulu’s impressive lineup is the now genre-defining The Handmaid’s Tale, which has captivated audiences with its dystopian perspective on autonomy and feminism. Based on Margaret Atwood’s gripping novel, it continues to challenge and inspire discussions around women's rights.
With so many excellent movies and shows set to stream on Hulu this season, there's sure to be something for everyone to enjoy. That's part of the charm: with so many themes and genres navigated, finding the perfect title to cozy up with is just as exciting as watching them. Enjoy the triumphs, lessons, and laughter Hulu brings right to your living room this holiday season and beyond!